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研究生(外文):Yi-chen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Cultural Hybridity in the Age of Globalization: A Case Study of Ang Lee's "Couching Tiger, Hidden Dragon"
指導教授(外文):Ken-fang Lee
外文關鍵詞:Ang LeeCultural HybridityCrouching Tiger Hidden DragonGlobalization
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In this thesis, cultural hybridity is used as the main theoretical concept to analyze Ang Lee’s martial art film—“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”. As a cultural hybridity that is produced in the age of globalization, the film’s role of interconnecting and interacting Western and Eastern cultures is discussed in the thesis. Another concern in the thesis is about the debate between cultural homogenization and heterogenization in the process of cultural hybridization in the age of globalization; therefore, by analyzing the cultural impacts brought by “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” in both the West and the East, the power relations operated within are also discussed.
Chapter one deals with theories that are related to globalization, cultural globalization, and cultural hybridity in the age of globalization. Chapter two argues Ang Lee’s “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” as a cultural hybridity by examining the cultural interactions that are displayed in the film. Chapter three discusses the cultural impacts brought by this film in the global market. In the conclusion, the direction of cultural flows in the age of globalization is discussed.
Table of Contents

Chapter One: Cultural Globalization and Cultural Hybridization..7
I. Globalization: A Newly-Stressed But Never New Phenomenon.....................7
II. What is globalization? Tracing back its history and its contemporary definitions……………………………….....................................................11
III. Define Hybridity in the Field of Cultural Globalization.............................17

Chapter Two: Cultural Hybridization in Ang Lee’s Film—“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”...............22
I. The Movie’s Huge Success …………………………….............................22
II. “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” as a cultural hybridity………………24
A. Ang Lee as A Cultural –Hybrid Movie Director…………………….24
B. The Adaptation Of The Film’s Screenplay As A Cultural-Hybrid Process……………………………………………………………….29
1. The Western Part: Feminist Concern of the Adaptation………...33
2. The Chinese Part: Giving Wu Xia Genre a New Definition.........37
(1). Philosophical theme: The Daoist Hero…………………..39
(2). Emotional Theme: Struggle Between Freedom and Responsibility…………………………………………....42

Chapter Three: Responses to the Cultural hybridization of Ang Lee’
“Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon” from Global Film Market……………………………………………….51
I. Western Side: Politics of Representation…………………………………..52
II. The Dialectics between the East and the West in “Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon”……………………………………………………………………58


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