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研究生(外文):Shu-hsuan Tsai
論文名稱(外文):Forms of Displacement in Toni Morrison's Beloved
指導教授:James Barton Rollins
外文關鍵詞:displacementblack diasporaslave narrativesobject-relation theoryD.W. WinnicottSigmund Freud
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This thesis examines Toni Morrison’s effective use of displacement as the central trope of her fifth novel, Beloved. Chapter One presents historical accounts from slave narratives concerning black diaspora, a form of displacement, and its traumatizing effects on slaves’ sense of self. Morrison employs the history of black diaspora as a major subject in Beloved to convey her ideas about the continuity of African-American history, her critique of African-American complicity with the enslaving whites and her emphasis on the value of black community. Chapter Two analyzes the psychological consequences of displacement. Experiences of displacement lead to the characters’ sense of placelessness, homelessness and their identity crises. Chapter Three introduces the multiple functions of the character Beloved. As an embodiment of displacement, Beloved moves back and forth between death and life. D. W. Winnicott’s object-relation theory provides a basis for informative notions of Beloved’s identity development. Her returning to life in order to develop an identity represents the collective longing of people who have been previously deprived of their identities. The Freudian theory of displacement as a censorship mechanism of dream work helps to explain how Beloved, as an incarnation of the painful past, triggers other characters’ confrontations with their pasts as part of the healing process.
Chinese Abstract………………………………………………………………
Chapter I. Historical Displacement: The Effects of Black Diaspora……….8
A. Black Diaspora in Slave Narratives ……………................................8
B. Black Diaspora in Beloved ………………………………………....14
Chapter II. Symbolic Displacement: Psychological Consequences of Displacement…………………………………………………………………..24
A. Crowdedness…………………………………..................................24
B. Identity Crises………………………………………………………..35
C. Homelessness………………………………………………..……….44
D. The Roles of Displacement in Other Ethnic Groups…………..……......49
Chapter III. The Functions of Beloved…………………………………….......54
A. An Embodiment of Displacement………………………….…………..54
1. Theoretical Introduction…….…………………………………........56
2. Beloved’s Identity Development ………………………....................62
B. An Embodiment of the Haunting Past……………………………..........66
1. Theoretical Introduction ………………………………………........66
2. Paul D and the Problem of Manhood……………………………….68
3. The Guilt of the Townswomen ………..……………………….........70
4. The Unspeakable Past………………………………………….......71
Works Cited……………………………………………..……………………….77
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