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研究生(外文):Kevin Chiang
論文名稱(外文):Posthuman Identity in Blade Runner
外文關鍵詞:Blade RunnerPosthuman
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本論文選自銀翼殺手來討論電影的未來社會中後人類的身分以及其應享有的權利。後人類指的是在未來世界中的虛擬人類;由於高科技與基因工程的卓越發展,他們擁有超越現今人類的體能以及思考能力的極限,以便生存於各種惡劣的環境中。科技日新月異發展,致力於後人類的研究旨在讓人類某取更大的幸福。 然而這部作品卻充滿陰暗與壓抑的氣氛,片中灰暗的天空、潮濕的街道與大螢幕中歌舞伎單調的吟唱反映出潛伏於人們心中的躁動與不安,“銀翼殺手”迪克的不苟言笑,人們的冷漠麻木與複製人的情緒形成強烈反差。這一切都透露出人們隱藏於心中對於高科技社會的恐懼與對自己身份認知的不確定感。影片始終貫穿著對於人與人價值的思辯。影片中,一方面人類試圖銷毀(他們稱之為報廢)自己親手製造出在各方面都強於自己的複製人,而另一方面複製人為了找尋自己生存的意義而戰鬥,迫使觀眾不得不透過複製人的命運來反思在追求後人類同時,後人類的身分為何,而怎樣又才能稱為人類。
In this thesis, I shall use the film, Blade Runner, which is adapted from Philip K. Dick’s Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep, to discuss the posthuman identity and rights in the future. Posthuman is a term that refers to a hypothetical being whose basic capacities so radically surpass those of present humans. Due to the advance in science and technology, their bodies are able to confront hostile environments and disease. The high technological development aims to acquire more felicity for mankind; nevertheless, lurid and bleak atmosphere clouds over the film. The murky sky, damp street, incessant rain, and the dreary melody of the kabuki on the advertising screen reflect the anxienty lurking beneath the city. The detachment of the blade runner, Deckark, and the aloofness of the citizens build up a sharp contrast with the emotional reactions of replicants. In the film, humans try to “destroy” (they call “retire”) the replicants they make with distinguished capacities; yet the replicants search and fight for the meaning of their life. This makes the audience deliberate upon the replicants’ destiny and think what posthuman identity is and how we define human.
The thesis is devided into four parts: three chapters and a conclusion. In this thesis, I try to adopt the posthuman standpoint to probe into the posthuman identity of the replicants and power relationship in the film.
In the first chapter, I will discuss the popular hypothesis upon the appearance and components of posthuman. Owing critical biological, scienfific breakthrough, and human nessecity in solving health problems, posthumans are hybrids of machines and organism with radically enhanced human capacities. They can be artificial intelligence, uploaded consciousness or beings with human countenance but superhuman strength and intelligence. And I will focus on the later one because of the form and appearance of the replicants in the film. In the second chapter, I will discuss posthuman identity in the film. The human identity and social recognition of posthumans are challenged because the tremendous reconstruction of their body and mind. In chapter three, the discussion will engage in the deprived rights of the posthumans in the capitalist society. In Blade Runner, replicants are not merely slave labors but also become merchandises. Besides, the mergence of capitalism and solidifies the pyramid of social class. And this makes it more difficult for replicants to persue their inherent right.
I Posthuman and Human
1. The difficulty in defining human
2. What is posthuman?
3. The goal of posthuman.
4. Are posthumans human?
a. The significance of body
b. Memory transferring
II Posthuman Identity
1. Moral Irony
2. Infants in adult body--the ability to develop empathy.
3. Memory
a. To cushion emotional violence
b. John Locke’s Theory
4. Personhood--the misleading nature of the film
III Hierarchical Social Structure
1. Rationality as criterion for personhood--Immanuel Kant
2. Replicants and African slaves in America
3. Space
4. Surveillance
5. The three seers
IV Conclusion
By presenting posthumans as slaves and casting gloomy cityscape upon the upcoming future, Blade Runner proposes a grand warning about the gap between biological science and politics.
First-handed source
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Second-handed source
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