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研究生(外文):Leon Tu
論文名稱(外文):Automatic Mobile Nodes Deployment and Power Management for Wireless Sensor Networks
指導教授(外文):Ren C. Luo
外文關鍵詞:sensor networksauto-deploymentpower managementmobile sensor node
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Wireless sensor network is the emerging technology, and many academic units and research centers devote a lot to this issue. As the name, sensor network is composed by many sensor nodes. The sensor communicates with others through the network, and the data of each node would be integrated. It could be applied in medical care, military, environmental monitoring, traffic control, industry and so on. Here are some features of this technology: high flexibility, fault tolerance, high precision, low production costs, and scalability. By using distributed data fusion, the environmental information could be more correct.

Sensor nodes are capable of detecting, communication, and processing data. The sensing unit can detect the temperature, pressure, vibration, sound or chemical vapor autonomously. Each sensor node has the characteristics of few energy consumption, low cost, and small size. A common design of sensor nodes lacks of mobility due to the high cost and energy consumption, but it limits the applications drastically.

In this thesis, some advantages of mobile nodes are listed, and an implement is demonstrated. An auto-deployment method is proposed here to raise system coverage and uniformity rapidly and realized with this mobile node. Besides, we present a dynamic power management policy. The sleeping period of each node is determined adaptively by considering with event generation, battery status, coverage problems and communication situations. It prolongs the system life time without influencing the quality of surveillance. From the simulation results, both algorithms could achieve pretty good performances.
誌 謝 i
中 文 摘 要 ii
Abstract iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables viii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 About Sensor Networks 1
1.1.1 Applications of Sensor Network 5
1.1.2 Major Issues and Challenges 7
1.1.3 Usage of Mobile Nodes 10
1.2 Motivation and Objectives 13
1.3 Thesis Organization 14
Chapter 2 Literature Review 15
2.1 An Overview of Other Mobile Nodes 15
2.1.1 CotsBots 16
2.1.2 MICAbot 19
2.1.3 Robomote 23
2.2 Related Works about Auto-Deployment Policy 26
2.3 Brief Reviews of Power Management Methods 30
Chapter 3 Design and Implementation of a Mobile Node 34
3.1 Introduction 34
3.2 Hardware Configuration 36
3.2.1 Top Layer 37
3.2.2 Middle Layer 39
3.2.3 Bottom Layer 40
3.2.3 Power Unit 42
3.3 Software Architecture 43
3.4 Comparison 46
Chapter 4 Auto-Deploymet Policy: Grid Method 48
4.1 Framework Statements 49
4.2 Grid Method 52
4.2.1 Pre-Deployed Node Effect 52
4.2.2 Boundary Effect 53
4.2.3 Obstacle Effect 54
4.2.3 Hot Zone Effect 54
4.3 Simulation Result and Analysis 57
Chapter 5 Dynamic Power Management Algorithm 64
5.1 Problem Statements 65
5.2 System Model 66
5.2.1 Sleep State Model 66
5.2.2 Event Generation Model 67
5.2.3 Coverage Model 68
5.3 Dynamic Power Management Algorithm 71
5.3.1 Sleeping Policy 71
5.3.2 Awakening Policy 73
5.4 Simulation Results and Analysis 76
5.4.1 The Deepest Sleep State 76
5.4.2 The Shallower Sleep States 80
Chapter 6 Conclusion 82
References 84
List of Publications 87
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