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研究生(外文):Chuan-Feng Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Multimode Interference Waveguide with Directional Coupler
指導教授(外文):Wei-Yu Li
外文關鍵詞:Direction CouplerMultimode Interfereencedemultiplexer
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為了縮短1.3/1.55μm 波長解多工器的元件長度並增加波長變動容忍
果顯示,波長1.55μm 的最低插入損耗為0.223dB,而波長1.3μm 的最低插
The subject of this thesis on the design and analysis of multimode interference (MMI)
based optical passive devices for directional coupler.
We propose a novel 1.3/1.55-μm wavelength demultiplexer on the LiNbO3 material
system. A chirp grating is placed inside a MMI and periodically segmented waveguides
in a directional coupler structure to shorten the device length and increase wavength
tolerance. Simulation results show that a demultiplexer with an insertion loss of 0.156dB
and 0.223dB can be obtained at 1.55- and 1.3-μm wavelengths, respectively.
A new principle that can reduce the N-fold self-images interval of the MMI waveguide
is presented. By placing some partial index-modulation regions in this multimode
waveguide, a paired-interference mechanism and a symmetric-interference mechanism
will exist simultaneously. The formulas in this thesis provide a simple design option to
shorten the device length. The coupling characteristics have good tolerance on the
device length and wavelength variation. Design of the device was carried out and it is
showed that the device performance can be optimized by proper allocation of the
periodically segmented waveguides.
誌謝.......................................................... III
符號索引....................................................... IV
目錄........................................................... VI
第一章 序論..................................................... 1
1-1 簡介...................................................... 1
1-2 光通信技術的發展.......................................... 2
1-3 積體光學元件.............................................. 3
1-4 研究動機與目的............................................ 4
1-5 內容概述.................................................. 5
第二章 多模態干涉理論.......................................... 6
2-1 自呈像(Self-imaging)原理.................................. 6
2-2 傳波常數.................................................. 8
2-3 一般型干涉.............................................. 11
2-4 限制型干涉.............................................. 13
2-4-1 成對型干涉............................................ 14
2-4-2 對稱型干涉............................................ 15
第三章 週期性區塊波導理論..................................... 18
3-1 區塊波導的分析方法...................................... 18
3-1-1 光束傳播法............................................. 19
3-1-2 耦和模態分析.......................................... 21
3-2 週期性區塊波導設計...................................... 23
3-3 週期性區塊波導的特徵值.................................. 25
3-3-1 週期性區塊波導的特徵方程式............................ 26
3-3-2 3 維波導的特徵值....................................... 27
3-4 PSW 之應用............................................... 27
第四章 新型方向耦合器之設計與模擬............................. 34
4-2 方向耦合器的工作原理.................................... 34
4-3 研究動機................................................ 35
4-4 傳統的方向耦合器........................................ 36
4-4-1 加入PSW 的方向耦合器................................... 38
4-4-2 加入PSW 和MMI 的方向耦合器............................. 39
第五章 結論與未來發展......................................... 52
參考文獻....................................................... 55
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