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研究生(外文):Jin-Huei Ji
論文名稱(外文):A Monte Carlo Study of Dose Distribution in Clinical Photon Beam
指導教授(外文):Max M. ChaoShih-Neng Yang
外文關鍵詞:Monte Carlo simulationdose calculationOMEGA/BEAM program
  • 被引用被引用:2
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The Monte Carlo method has become a widely used method for modeling linear accelerators in medical physics. The Monte Carlo technique used for dose calculations produces accurate results in regions of tissue heterogeneities, such as lung and surface irregularities, providing the most convenient and accurate method for the simulation of patient treatment dose distributions. The study investigate the effects of the physical parameters of an electron beam from Varian Clinac 21EX linac on the dose distribution in water by OMEGA/BEAM. Detailed linac head structure of Varian 21EX in the 6MV photon mode was used for simulating the various incident electron beams with different energies and spot sizes. Our aim established the current procedure for the determination of the initial beam parameters. Afterward, evaluate the variations in dose distributions between Monte Carlo calculation method and commercialized planning system for a head and neck cancer patient.
中文摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 . III
圖目錄 . V
表目錄. X
第一章 前言 1
1.1 研究背景 1
1.2 研究目的 2
1.3 論文架構 2
第二章 文獻回顧 3
2.1 OMEGA/BEAM程式建構直線加速器模擬系統 3
2.2 臨床光子射束之表現 4
第三章 材料與方法 7
3.1蒙地卡羅方法 7
3.1-1 亂數 9
3.1-2 蒙地卡羅演算法基本原理 9
3.2 OMAGE/BEAM程式介紹 12
3.2-1 BEAMnrc程式介紹 14
3.2-2 BEAMDP程式介紹 25
3.2-3 DOSXYZnrc程式介紹 27
3.2-4變異縮減技巧 33
3.3直線加速器治療機頭的模擬 37
3.3-1 治療機頭構造簡介 37
3.3-2 治療機頭的模擬 40
3.3-3 理想模擬參數之設定 44
3.4 驗證臨床劑量之差異 48
3.4-1 CT影像轉至DOSXYZnrc程式假體之設定 48
3.4-2臨床劑量之模擬 49
第四章 結果與討論 51
4.1 理想模擬參數設定之結果 51
4.2 直線加速器模擬與產生射束之驗證結果 56
4.3 治療計畫系統與蒙地卡羅法之劑量驗證結果 72
第五章 結論 75
參考文獻 77
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