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研究生(外文):Ching-Jou Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of Customer Satisfaction in Non-profit Organization–In the Case of National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts
指導教授(外文):Kun-Feng Yang
外文關鍵詞:non-profit organizationcustomer satisfaction
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本研究從顧客滿意度的觀點,以問卷調查方式,針對國立臺灣美術館參觀民眾為研究對象,以T檢定檢視民眾期望與認知程度的服務品質間及機構形象間之差異,透過簡單複迴歸分析及Pearson相關分析以驗證服務品質與顧客滿意度之影響和機構形象與顧客滿意度之影響,以及利用單因子變異數分析以檢定人口統計變數與顧客滿意度間之差異分析,最後,則探討再次參觀意願、推薦介紹與顧客整體滿意度之影響。研究結果如下:1. 民眾對美術館服務品質的期望與認知有顯著差異。
2. 民眾認知服務品質對滿意度有顯著相關。
3. 民眾對美術館機構形象的期望與認知有顯著差異。
4. 民眾認知機構形象對滿意度有顯著相關。
(1) 年齡、教育程度、職業對滿意度有顯著差異。
(2) 性別、婚姻狀況、月平均所得及居住地區對滿意度則無顯著差異。

This research is based on National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts domestically as a sample to proceed with questionnaire, to have point of view of customer satisfaction. To use T-test to examine the difference between expectation and recognition for service quality, and simultaneously to examine the difference between expectation and recognition for organizational image, through regression analysis and correlation analysis to examine the effect upon service quality and customer satisfaction, and simultaneously to examine the effect upon organizational image and customer satisfaction, and to use single factor variable analysis to examine through the differentiation analysis of customer satisfaction on population statistics variable, at last to discuss the effect upon showing willing to visit next, recommending someone to visit and customer satisfaction. The research result is as followed:
1. There is a noticeable difference between expectation and recognition for service quality by the local people.
2. There is a noticeable influence on service quality between the degree of actual recognition and customer satisfaction by the local people.
3. There is a noticeable difference between expectation and recognition for organizational image by the local people.
4. There is a noticeable influence on organizational image between actual recognition and customer satisfaction by the local people.
5. Within population statistics variable:
(1) There is a noticeable difference for customer satisfaction in recognition of age, education level and career.
(2) There is no apparent difference for customer satisfaction in recognition of gender, marriage, monthly income and residence.
6. There is a noticeable influence among showing willing to visit next, recommending someone to visit and customer satisfaction by the local people.

The aim of the museum of arts that is established by government is to promote art education in different ways, to preserve the cultural heritage of the arts, to inspire the artists by holding exhibition of arts. The purposes and principles for management of museum of arts are in order to accomplish the previous context goals that were established by government. How to instill the concept of customer satisfaction with marketing through the stratum of museum of arts, the way we expected that is the most important thing to us. This research will refer the conclusions of study to museum of arts by way of strengthening the connotation of services, then, improving the abilities to manage for the staff, and increasing the whole customer satisfaction.
目 錄

第壹章 緒論………………………………………………………………….1
第一節 研究背景與動機………………………………………………1
第三節 研究目的………………………………………………………7
第四節 研究範圍………………………………………………………8
第五節 研究限制………………………………………………………9
第六節 研究流程………………………………………………………10

第貳章 文獻探討……………………………………………………………12
第一節 非營利組織之相關文獻………………………………………12
第二節 顧客滿意度之相關文獻……………………………………….27
第三節 滿意度理論應用於國內非營利組織之相關文獻…………….58

第參章 研究方法…………………………………………………………61
第一節 研究架構……………………………………………………….61
第二節 變數的操作型定義與問卷設計………………………………62
第三節 研究假設………………………………………………………69
第四節 統計分析方法…………………………………………………72
第五節 樣本特性………………………………………………………75

第肆章 研究結果分析…………………………………………………..79
第一節 信度分析………………………………………………………79
第二節 效度分析………………………………………………………82
第三節 敘述性統計分析………………………………………………83
第四節 服務品質之分析………………………………………………89
第五節 服務品質與滿意度關係之分析………………………………98
第六節 機構形象之分析……………………………………….……..102
第七節 機構形象與滿意度關係之分析……………………………..108
第八節 人口統計變數與滿意度關係之分析………………………..111
第九節 顧客整體滿意度與再次參觀意願、推薦介紹關係之分析..119

第五章 結論與建議……………………………………………………120
第一節 結論…………………………………………………………..120
第二節 建議…………………………………………………………..128
第三節 後續研究建議………………………………………………..130

附錄: 研究問卷……………………………………………………..142
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