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研究生(外文):Ching-Chi Lin
論文名稱(外文):Analysis of Construction Progress and Productivity for Long Gravel Tunnel
外文關鍵詞:ProductivityConstruction ProgressLong Gravel Tunnel
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Domestic infrastructure development has drastically growth in recent years with the implementation of national six-year plan, which includes the second north-south freeway, Taipei-Ilan expressway, east-west expressway and the largest BOT project in the world, Taiwan High Speed Rail Project. There is not only leapfrog in term of project size, also the construction technology level. Tunnel construction occupied a major role in these projects due to its unique specialty of engineering that comprises complexities and uncertainties. Therefore, tunnel construction has become a critical element in determining the progress of projects.
There are always lack of literatures and technical reports on the construction of conglomerates soil formation tunnel, this study is focused on Paghuasan Tunnel and Linkou Tunnel of Taiwan High Speed rail Project, and also Paghuasan Tunnel Project of National Road Bureau. Both tunnels in Paghuasan area have a very similar soil formation and furthermore the National Road Bureau had initiated the project much earlier than Taiwan High Speed Rail Project. Therefore, the National Road Bureau Project served as an informative and practical literature to the latter. Linkou Tunnel is another high profile project for Taiwan High Speed Rail, as the second longest tunnel in the project. As a conglomerate soil formation tunnel below ground water level, the construction difficulty is enormous. Since the beginning of construction, Taiwan High Speed Rail Project has always caught the eyes of public with high profile publicity. In contrast, the National Road Bureau Project was marred by difficult soil condition and ground water problem that seriously delayed the project.
To avoid the influence of ground water level during the excavation stage, the Taiwan High Speed Rail Project had elevated the Paghuasan Tunnel alignment. Also with the help of the civil contractor in terms of good understanding of soil formation and ground water condition, professional management, proper risk assessment, high quality of workmanship, and advanced fully automated machineries; the progress was the best compared to others. As the tunnel was drilled in dried condition and the soil condition was almost self-supported, the supporting frame and rock bolts were not in used for progressive excavation method. During the excavation, the reinforced lining progressed every two hours and forty minutes for a lap and recorded the best monthly excavated length of 250m in Taiwan High Speed Rail Project. The upper half of tunnel section had an average excavation length of 133m per month, and was completed two months earlier than scheduled. The tunnel was using the fully automated inner lining machine, which produced an average monthly progress of 485m arch lining and 275m inner lining. Compared to other main tunnels in Taiwan High Speed Rail Project, which only produced an average monthly progress of 80m to 130m, the progressive in Paghuasan Tunnel was far more impressive. Therefore, this study is focused on the case studies of the improvement of construction progress and productivity on conglomerate formation long tunnels, and provides valuable literatures for future related construction.
摘要 i
Abstract ii
誌謝 iv
目錄 v
圖目錄 vii
表目錄 x
附錄目錄 xi
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究動機與目的 1
1.2 研究範圍 1
1.3 研究方法與步驟 2
1.4 研究內容 2
第二章 工法演進與文獻回顧 4
2.1國內隧道之發展 4
2.1.1新奧工法之使用 4
2.2新奧工法概述 4
2.2.1 工法基本原則 5
2.3 卵礫石層施工探討 6
2.3.1卵礫石層概述 6
2.3.2卵礫石層分佈 6
2.3.3卵礫石層工程特性 6
2.3.4卵礫石層隧道施工特性 7
2.4 施工文獻回顧 8
第三章 案例探討 14
3.1高鐵八卦山隧道施工案例 14
3.1.1 工程概述 14
3.1.2 地質與水文 15
3.1.3 隧道開挖 21
3.1.4 計測與管理 40
3.1.5 襯砌施工 48
3.1.6 施工機具與設備 60
3.1.7施工管理 67
3.2高鐵林口隧道施工案例 71
3.2.1 工程概述 71
3.2.2 地質與水文 71
3.2.3 隧道開挖 75
3.2.4 計測與管理 88
3.2.5 襯砌施工 91
3.2.6 施工機具與設備 95
3.2.7 施工管理 98
3.3公路總局八卦山隧道施工案例 99
3.3.1 工程概述 99
3.3.2 地質與水文 99
3.3.3 隧道開挖 105
3.2.4 隧道計測與管理 117
3.2.5 襯砌施工 123
3.3.6 施工管理 129
第四章 綜合討論 132
4.1地下水位 132
4.1.1 高鐵八卦山隧道 132
4.1.2 高鐵林口隧道 133
4.1.3 公路總局八卦山隧道 134
4.2 工程地質特性 136
4.3 工程契約制度 142
4.3.1 總價契約 142
4.3.2 統包契約 142
4.3.3 契約變更 142
4.4 工程管理 148
4.4.1 施工進度管理 148
4.4.2 施工組織及人力管理 148
4.4.3 施工機具與物料管理 149
4.4.4 風險管理 150
4.5 施工機具與設備 152
第五章 結論與建議 154
5.1 結論 154
5.2 建議 157
參考文獻 158
附錄 160
(3)王明雄、陳名利,「高速鐵路與地下技術」,地工技術,第58期,第5 -16頁,(1996)。
(22)臺灣省交通處公路局,「八卦山隧道地質分析及評估報告」 ,(1994)。
(26)Sy-Jye Guo, Analysis of cycle excavation and productivity of large-scale rock tunnel projects- lesson learned in Taiwan, Canadian Journal of Civil Engineering, vol. 28, 2001, pp. 26-34.
(39)THSRC(Taiwan High Speed Rail Company), Construction Method Statement THSR-C260: Tunnel, Oct, 2001-b.
(30) THSRC(Taiwan High Speed Rail Company), Construction Method Statement THSR-C260: Shutter Assemblage, Sep, 2002-b.
(31) THSRC(Taiwan High Speed Rail Company), Construction Method Statement THSR-C260: Inner Lining of Mined Tunnels, Aug, 2002-a.
(32) THSRC(Taiwan High Speed Rail Company),THSRP Geotechnical Interpretative Report (GIR), July, 2001-a.
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