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研究生(外文):Chih-Pin Wang
論文名稱(外文):The Construction of a Project Management Model for Establishing Aircraft Maintenance Capability
外文關鍵詞:maintenance capabilityproject management
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To accomplish all kinds of warfare missions, Air Force has to maintain persistent prepared status. The complete maintenance system is required to support the daily consumption. For establishing the new generation jet fighters, the requirements for new capacity are born for the mission. For the confinement of time, function, production and budget for maintenance capacity establishment, the efficient managerial integration is necessary to satisfy all kinds of requests. Although traditional capability management is still in use in AF, due to fast development of digital software and hardware, it is hard to transfer to the operational model of information management. It cannot fully apply the convenience brought by modern informational technology and catch up with contemporary knowledge. Thus, we have to find a feasible way for renewal.
Project management is a unique way of administration. It is suitable to be used in dealing with one-mission specific project considerting the limit of time, cost and quality. Each project must have a definite goal. To achieve the goal within the limits, it is a must to calculate each detail in work. Establishing maintenance capability complies with the quality of a specific project. It is suitable to perform a specific project. Project management system is regarded as an international standard (ISO 10006). Pack software for project management are also prevalent in use. Establishing a project management model for maintenance capability is sure helpful for the work of capability establishment in future.
Adopting techniques of project management and application of programming software, this research is to construct the project management model of maintenance capacity establishment. By comparing this model with traditional models which AF is in use now, it is hoped to find the discrepancies in current procedures and conclude the advantages and disadvantages of this project management model
誌 謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目 錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
表目錄 VII
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 3
1.2 研究範圍 5
1.3 研究步驟 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2.1 專案管理 7
2.1.1 專案的定義 7
2.1.2 專案管理的定義 7
2.1.3 專案管理的五大程序與九大知識領域 8
2.1.4 專案管理之用途 13
2.1.5 專案管理之組織架構 15
2.1.6 專案管理之工具 18
2.2 飛機修護能量 22
2.2.1 飛機修護 22
2.2.2 空軍修護階層之劃分及功能 22
2.2.3 工廠修護能量的籌建流程 23
2.3 空軍現行之籌建能量之管理方式 25
2.3.1 能量籌建進度檢查卡 25
2.3.2 能量籌建計畫管制表 26
2.3.3 能量籌建計畫審查表 27
2.3.4 綜合檢討 28
第三章 修護能量籌建之專案管理架構 30
3.1 修護能量籌建的目標規劃 30
3.2 能量籌建專案的主要任務 31
3.3 能量籌建專案的組織與成員 34
3.4 能量籌建專案之資源 37
3.5 能量籌建專案之風險 37
第四章 修護能量籌建之專案管理模型 39
4.1 經國號戰機發動機動力傳輸軸簡介 39
4.2 專案任務之研討 39
4.3 專案工作劃分結構之建構 46
4.4 以MS Project建立專案 52
4.4.1 專案之任務與工期 52
4.4.2 子專案之整合 60
4.4.3 建立任務間之連結 61
4.4.4 任務資源與預算之分配 62
4.4.5 調整與評估 66
4.5 專案模型建構之完成 67
第五章 討論與結論 69
參考文獻 72
附錄 74
作者生平 75
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