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研究生(外文):Yu-Hsuan Lai
論文名稱(外文):An Integrated Multi-objective Model for Determining the Optimal Rescuing Path and Optimal Traffic Control Sites under Uncertain Environments
指導教授(外文):Yu-Chun Chiu
外文關鍵詞:disaster rescuinggenetic algorithmshortest path algorithmfuzzy reliability
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基此,本文建立一個不確定環境下之多目標救災路徑與交通管制整合模式。包括三個子模式與三項目標。至於不確定性之處理方式則利用模糊理論加以模化,亦即將各路段能否通行之資訊,以模糊可靠度加以表之。並利用Tw(the weakest t-norm)模糊數相乘運算方法,綜整成為路徑之連接模糊可靠度。其中,第一個子模式是非災民災後交通量指派預測模式,因災害發生後,用路人會因應道路損壞程度資訊與發佈之交通管制路徑,而改變原先的路徑選擇行為。而這些正常旅次之改變,也對道路形成負荷,進而影響衝擊救災與交管路段之選擇,因此有必要在規劃救災路徑予以一併考量。其求解方法係以逐次增量指派法結合路段的模糊可靠度加以指派。第二個子模式是交通管制模式,其以路段為管制單元,而在規劃路網上選擇部份路段實施交通管制,管制非救援車輛之使用。其求解方法係利用遺傳演算法(genetic algorithms),以0,1編碼方式選擇管制路段。第三個子模式則是救援車輛最短路徑模式,其在給定之路徑連接模糊可靠度要求水準下,求解最短之救災路徑。其求解方法係利用K條最短路徑演算法加以求解,至於救災路徑模糊連接可靠度之運算上,採用模糊數得分排序法判斷各最短路徑之連接可靠度是否大於所要求之水準。至於三項目標則分別為救災路徑旅行時間最小化、交通管制警力最少化,以及非災民干擾程度最小化。此三個子模式相互影響,必須加以整合,同時求解。
As a disaster happens, it is important to make the rescue teams and relief supplies to arrive the affected area as soon as possible. To achieve this goal, it does not only depend on a well-planned rescue path, but also on some effective traffic control measures. However, the traffic control measures should not be too unnecessarily rigorous or be enforced in some unnecessary routes; otherwise it will seriously affect the ordinary life of non-victim people, further impact the local economics. Besides, in the very beginning of disaster, due to the damages to the electronic, communication, and road systems, the access reliability of planned rescue routes are uncertain. Therefore, on the urgent needs of the integrated planning of rescue routes and the coordinated traffic control measures for disaster management in Taiwan, it is truly important to propose a decision model that can instantaneously provide optimal rescue routes and traffic control sites in coping with the fast changing rescue environment.
Basing on this, this study proposes a integrated multi-objective model for determining the optimal rescue path and traffic control links under uncertain environments, which is composed of three sub-problems to simultaneously achieve three goals. For coping with the uncertain information of damaged road network, this study employ fuzzy reliability to measure the connective degree of rescue path by multiplying the fuzzy reliabilities of each link in the path with the weakest t-norm method. The first sub-problem is the post-disaster traffic assignment problem, which has to re-assign the O-D traffic to the damaged and controlled network according to route selection behaviors. These traffics will form the burden of road network, which will further affect the selection of optimal rescue path and traffic control links. The solution to this sub-problem can be obtained by fuzzy incremental assignment method. The second sub-problem is the selection of traffic control links which determines the optimal controlled links for the exclusive usage of rescue teams. This sub-problem is solved by genetic algorithms by binary encoding the selection of link. The third sub-problem is the shortest path model, which is to determine the shortest rescue path under the required level of fuzzy connective reliability. The K shortest paths algorithm is employed to solve this problem. Three goals are going to be achieved simultaneously: to minimize the arrival time of rescue team, to minimize the police manpower required for traffic control, and to minimize the interference to the none-victims. These three sub-models are interacted, so they have to be integrated and solved simultaneously.
For validating the effectiveness and applicability of the proposed models, the case studies on an exemplified example with 50 nodes and 85 links and a field case of 921 earthquakes in Taiwan are conducted, respectively. There are three situations to validate the proposed models. The results of exemplified example show that if there are no traffic control measures in disaster area, the cost of rescue path is 110.5 minutes. If there are traffic control measures in disaster area, the cost of rescue path is 49.5 minutes and 18 police manpower are required and the interference to the none-victims are 419 vehicle-hours. The proposed models perform better in the three situations. The results of field case show that the proposed models still have the best performance in the three situations.
誌謝. I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 IV
目錄. VI
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 X
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1
1.2 研究目的 3
1.3 研究流程與內容 3
1.4 研究架構 6
第二章 文獻回顧 7
2.1 災害救援相關文獻彙析 7
2.2 可靠度工程理論相關文獻彙析 10
2.3 遺傳演算法相關文獻彙析 14
2.4 最短路徑相關文獻彙析 16
第三章 問題定義與模式構建 21
3.1 不確定環境下多目標救災路徑與交通管制整合模式 21
3.1.1 問題說明 21
3.1.2 問題架構 22
3.2 交通管制規劃問題 23
3.2.1 交通管制規劃問題說明 23
3.2.2 交通管制規劃問題模式 24
3.2.3 交通管制規劃求解方法 25
3.3 非災民災後交通量指派預測問題 30
3.3.1 非災民災後交通量指派預測問題說明 30
3.3.2 非災民災後交通量指派預測問題模式 30
3.3.3 非災民災後交通量指派預測問題求解方法 33
3.4 救援車輛最短路徑問題 38
3.4.1救援車輛最短路徑問題說明 38
3.4.2救援車輛最短路徑問題模式 39
3.4.3 救援車輛最短路徑問題求解方法 42

第四章 模式測試與分析 48
4.1 簡例說明 48
4.2 求解結果 52
4.3 模式比較分析 59
第五章 實例應用與分析 61
5.1 案例說明 61
5.2 應用結果 63
5.3 比較分析 71
第六章 結論與建議 73
6.1 結論 73
6.2 建議 73
參考文獻 75
1. 中文部份
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2. 英文部分
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