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研究生(外文):Chong-Jiang Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Application of EBO Model in Predicting Financially Distressed Companies
指導教授(外文):Kun-Huang Huarng
外文關鍵詞:full-deliveryfirm intrinsic valuesfinancial distressEdwards-Bell-Ohlson (EBO) modeldecision trees
  • 被引用被引用:2
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企業財務危機一直都是財務領域相當重要的課題,加上台灣在今年爆發了一連串的本土性的股市地雷風暴之後又更引起重視。不過在亞洲金融危機時期,有些企業是因為經濟不景氣而倒閉,故本研究刻意排除那些在亞洲金融危機時期發生危機的樣本,而台灣在1999年經濟開始好轉,故本研究選取的危機公司樣本為2000-2004年間曾經變更為全額交割股之上市電子公司12家,且採用Beaver(1966)之配對原則其中的「相同產業」、「營業項目接近」及「相同年度」為配對原則,以1 : 2的比例配對出24家健全的上市電子公司,因此總共的研究對象有36家上市電子公司。此外,我們利用三種不同的抽樣方法將這36個研究樣本區分為訓練樣本和測試樣本。訓練樣本主要用來建立一些規則,再以測試樣本來測試這些規則的正確性。
Financial distress has been an important topic in corporate governance. And we pay attention to the topic more by a series of distressed companies in Taiwan in 2004. In the term of Asian Financial Crisis, some companies happened financial distressed situation because of depressed economics. So we exclude those distressed companies samples in the term of Asian Financial Crisis. And Taiwan’s economics turned off better in 1999, so we choose the 12 distressed companies’ samples that had been announced full-delivery in 2000-2004. We adopt the principle in (Beaver, 1966) to collect distressed and healthy companies by the proportion of 1: 2. In all, there were 36 companies listed companies in TSEC (Taiwan Stock Exchange Corp.). The 36 datas are further divided into training and testing samples by three different sample methods. The training sample is used to induct the rules for testing, while the forecasting sample is used to test against the rules.
Finally, this study applies EBO (Edwards-Bell-Ohlson) model to forecast financial distress. In short, we apply two models to forecast financial distress. First, the distressed judgment of Lee’s EBO Model(Model 1) is to examine whether the value of the stock is lower than the par value: $10. Second, we apply two decision trees(Model 2) approache based on the three variables in the EBO models to forecast financial distress. Empirical analyses are showed that the two models can make up for the others’ shortcomings. So we can divide two steps to forecast financial distress and it will have a high correct rate.

摘要 I
誌謝 III
目錄 III
表目次 VI
圖目次 VII
第壹章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機和目的 1
第二節 研究流程 2
第貳章 文獻探討 4
第一節 企業財務危機 4
第二節 成對樣本設計 7
第四節 決策樹(DECISION TREES) 11
第參章 研究方法與設計 14
第一節 本研究對財務危機之定義 14
第二節 樣本的選取 15
第三節 模型和變數的選擇 19
第肆章 實證結果與分析 37
第一節 訓練(TRAINING)和測試(TESTING) 37
第二節 EBO評價模型試算表(模型一)預測結果 39
第三節 兩種決策樹(模型二)預測結果 40
第四節 討論 49
第伍章 結論與建議 53
第一節 結論與建議 53
第二節 研究限制與建議改進方向 54
參考文獻 63
西文部分 63
中文部分 66
附錄 EBO評價模型判別圖 69

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