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研究生(外文):Wen-Chi Hsieh
論文名稱(外文):The Thermal Conductivity and Physical Properties of PP/α-Al2O3
外文關鍵詞:thermal conductivity
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本研究是以單、雙螺桿押出機兩種製程,將兩種α-Al2O3分散於聚丙烯中,所測得熱傳導係數較以單螺桿押出機製程較高,其原因乃單螺桿押出機的粒徑較大。由SEM圖,可以看出的分散性較差可以保存原有的α-Al2O3粒徑,並有較多的凝聚現象反而形成通路,可得到較高的導熱效果。若由大小粒徑的α-Al2O3 (45μm與5.7μm)製程來看,大粒徑的α-Al2O3熱傳導較小粒徑為佳。若以兩種粒徑的混合試片來比較,在大小粒徑分佈的條件下,其熱導係數值能超越單一粒徑α-Al2O3填充試片。原因是在特定比例的小粒徑可以視為大粒徑之間的橋樑,可以提高複合材料的熱傳導係數。
在其他物性及特性分析上,聚丙烯加入α-Al2O3 可使複合材料的物性,使抗拉強度、彎曲強度、耐熱性下降,彎曲模數、衝擊值提昇,但不能改變燃燒性與結晶型態。
The composites filled with ceramic powder, α-Al2O3, were widely applied in electronic devices, such as semiconductor seal material, dissipation pad, thermal pad, thermal grease etc. In this paper, commercialized α-Al2O3 were used as fillers to enhance the thermal heat conduction of composites by dispersing them in PP resin with the mixing equipments.
Two types of α-Al2O3 were dispersed in the PP resin respectively by single and twin screw extruder. The thermal conductivity of composites mixed with single screw extruder was higher than the one processed with twin screw extruder. It can be explained that the single screw extruder possess lower shear force. SEM photos illustrated that poor dispersion preserving the original particle size of α-Al2O3 that caused much agglomeration. The more agglomeration was found to have better conduction and therefore to generate higher thermal conductivity. Comparison between the large (45μm) and small (5.7μm) particle sizes of α-Al2O3, dispersed in PP resin respectively, the thermal conductivity of the larger size is better than that of small ones, but the thermal conductivity of the two intermixed samples are significantly exceed that of individual sized samples. The reason is regarded as that the specified ratio of smaller size particles acts as the bridges among larger ones, which improves the thermal conductivity of composites.
In other physical and characteristic analysis, the polypropylene blended with α- Al2O3 has lower tensile strength, thermal stability, but has higher flexural modulus, impact value; however, the flammability and morphology of crystallization of the PP resin didn’t show significant changes.
目錄 頁次
摘要 i
Abstract ii
縮寫對照表 iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 ix
第一章 緒論 1
1.1前言 1
1.2導熱材料的種類與應用 2
1.3聚丙烯 3
1.3.1聚丙烯的分子構造 4
1.4氧化鋁Al2O3(Alumina) 5
1.5文獻回顧 5
1.6研究動機 6
1.7原理與定義 7
1.7.1熱傳導的定義 7
1.7.2導熱高分子的導熱機構 8
1.7.3應力-應變觀念與定義 9
1.7.4結晶度的測度 10
1.7.5螺桿押出混練技術 10
1.7.6填充劑的分散原理 13
1.7.7添加無機填充劑時膠料行為 15
第二章 實驗 16
2.1實驗儀器 16
2.2實驗材料 17
2.3聚丙烯/氧化鋁 混摻製作程序 19
2.4.混練造粒 20
2.4.1 KOBE 雙螺桿押出機的設定條件 20
2.4.2單螺桿押出機的設定條件 23
2.5 PP/α-Al2O3 摻合物之試片製作 23
2.6測試 23
2.6.1粒徑分析 23
2.6.2示差掃描熱分析(DSC) 23

2.6.3 熱重量分析儀(TGA) 24
2.6.4 掃描式電子顯微鏡(SEM). 24
2.6.5 機械性質測定 24
2.6.6 UL-94耐燃性測試 24
2.6.7 熱傳導係數(Thermal Conductivity) 24
第三章 結果與討論 26
3.1單、雙螺桿押出機對α-Al2O3 殘留粒徑與分散研究 26
3.2 α-Al2O3 粒徑對PP機械物性的影響 27
3.3添加α-Al2O3 對PP 結晶型態的探討 28
3.4 α-Al2O3對PP熱裂解的影響 29
3.5不同α-Al2O3 粒徑對熱傳導係數的影響 31
3.6混合粒徑對熱傳導係數的影響 33
第四章 結論 63
4.1 PP/α-Al2O3以單、雙螺桿押出機混練的物性結論 63
4.2在熱傳導係數值的分析結論 63
附錄 A .SEM圖 65
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