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研究生(外文):Han-Lin Chuang
論文名稱(外文):Effect of Power Mode on the Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of Microarc Treated AA1050 Aluminum
外文關鍵詞:aluminum oxidehardnessMicro-arc oxidationlight metalenvironment friendly process
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微弧處理(Micro-arc oxidation,MAO)是眾多表面處理技術中新興處理技術。該技術係將工件置於電解液中,並對工件與輔助電極間施加一電位差使之成為陽極,在工件表面會產生微弧放電現象,而生長出氧化膜,使用的電解液為低濃度鹼性溶液,不含重金屬與有機溶劑,是一環保製程。經微弧處理之表面,具高硬度及良好之耐蝕性,可茲用於金屬保護。
微弧處理中的電解液組成、電流密度、電源模式及工件種類均會影響氧化膜的晶體結構、微觀組織和機械性質,但目前文獻所探討側重於氧化膜的性質如硬度、防蝕及抗磨耗等特性之發掘以及各自的微觀組織之探討。是故本研究中嘗試使用直流(DC)、單極脈衝(Unipolar pulse)與雙極脈衝(Bipolar pulse)的電源模式探討AA1050鋁在矽酸鹽、磷酸鹽電解液中所生成氧化膜的晶體結構、微觀組織和機械性質的影響。
在直流電源模式中,無論是在矽酸鹽或是磷酸鹽電解液中,成長速率皆隨著電流密度的增加而增加,前者最高的成長速率為1.41 �慆/min,後者最高的成長速率為0.65�n�慆/min。單極脈衝電源模式中頻率對矽酸鹽及磷酸鹽的成長速率有相同的行為,成長速率會隨著頻率的增加而增加,頻率在5 kHz時,達到最高的成長速率,之後漸減。
在微弧處理後,AA1050鋁可得到高硬度的氧化膜,在直流電源模式中,矽酸鹽電解液中生成氧化膜的主要組成為Al-Si-O,最大硬度值為1604 Hv,磷酸鹽電解液中生成氧化膜主要組成為��-Al2O3,最大硬度值為1354 Hv。
Micro-arc oxidation(MAO) is a newly developed technology for metal surface treatment. It involves the usage of a liquid electrolyte by applying a voltage between metal workpiece and a counter-electrode, during which an electrical discharge occurs at the workpiece surface and leads to the formation of oxide layer.
The electrolyte normally used is low concentration alkaline solution without heavy ions and organic solvent and therefore is considered to be the environment friendly process. Micro-arc oxidation, the surface layers of MAO normally possess high hardness for wear resistance and good corrosion resistance, favorable of surface strengthening for protection purposes.
The electrolyte composition, current density, power input types, substrate materials in micro-arc oxidation process are known to effect the crystal structure, microstructure and mechanical properties, which have been reported extensively in literatures. Very little has been attempt for a systematic study to correlate different power input types to the crystal structure, microstructure, mechanical properties of oxide film. This motivated this study, that reveal the effect of using DC、unipolar、bipolar power mode to the microstructure and mechanical properties, surface hardness in particular of the oxide layer formed on AA1050 aluminum. Silicate and phosphate solutions were used as the electrolytes.
Experimental results show that the major crystal structure of the oxide layer synthesized in silicate electrolyte presents the ��-Al2O3、��-Al2O3、Al-Si-O and W, while that are synthesized in phosphate is ��-Al2O3 and ��-Al2O3 crystal structure mainly. The change in microstructure as affected by the process parameter is governed by the movement of anions and the micro-arc behavior in electrolyte.
In DC power mode, the growth rate increase monotonically with current density, to a maximum value of 1.41 �慆/min in silicate electrolyte, and 0.65 �慆/min in phosphate. In unipolar pulse power mode, the growth rate is affected by the frequency in both silicate and phosphate electrolyte. Oxide growth rate increase with frequency, and reach a maximum at 5 kHz then decrease.
In DC power mode, The crystal structure of oxide layers on AA1050 aluminum synthesized in silicate and phosphate electrolyte is ��-Al2O3 and Al-Si-O, respectively. The oxide layers on AA1050 aluminum synthesized in silicate and phosphate electrolyte exhibit maximum hardness of 1604 Hv and 1354 Hv, respectively.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 III
總目錄 V
圖目錄 Ⅶ
表目錄 XII
第一章 前言 1
第二章 文獻回顧 4
2-1 陽極處理 4
2-1-1 陽極處理的歷史發展 4
2-1-2 陽極處理的技術應用 6
2-2 微弧處理 12
2-2-1 發展歷史 12
2-2-2 理論發展 13
2-2-3 微弧的物理及化學基礎理論 20
2-2-4 微弧技術 28
第三章 實驗方法與流程 33
3-1 試片規格與前處理 34
3-2 電解液調製 34
3-3 脈衝電源供應器 36
3-4 微弧處理 37
3-4-1 直流電源模式 40
3-4-2 單極脈衝電源模式 41
3-4-3 雙極脈衝電源模式 43
3-5 試片橫截面的準備 44
3-6 晶體結構與微觀組織分析 45
3-7 硬度測試 45
第四章 結果與討論 46
4-1 電源模式對氧化膜晶體結構的影響 46
4-1-1 矽酸鈉電解液的不同電源模式微弧處理的晶體結構 46
4-1-2 六偏磷酸鈉電解液的不同電源模式微弧處理的晶體結構 56
4-2 電源模式對氧化膜微觀組織的影響 66
4-2-1 矽酸鈉電解液的不同電源模式微弧處理的微觀結構 66
4-2-2 六偏磷酸鈉電解液的不同電源模式微弧處理的微觀結構 72
4-3 電源模式對成長速率的影響 76
4-4 電源模式對氧化膜機械性質的影響 79
第五章 結論 82
參考文獻 84
誌謝 89
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