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研究生(外文):Ju-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Thinning on Stainless Steel Fiber Structure and Properties
指導教授(外文):Tein-Wei Shyr
外文關鍵詞:stainless steel fiberintergranular corrosionelectromagnetic interferenceelectromagnetic shielding
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本研究主要是以316L沃斯田鐵不�袗�線材(直徑為190 μm)經熱處理、拉伸、和緩冷,細化成八種不同直徑的不�袗�纖維,分別為106 μm、48 μm、29 μm、22 μm、19 μm、16 μm、12 μm和6 μm。以電子顯微鏡和X-ray觀測細化後,不�袗�纖維表面與內部晶粒的變化,以能譜儀分析細化過程所析出的碳化物,以低電阻計量測不同直徑之不�袗�纖維電阻值的變化,並量測不�袗�金屬纖維梭織布之表面電阻與電磁波遮蔽效益。
電子顯微鏡觀察發現,不�袗�線材在經過熱及延伸處理後,不�袗�纖維表面變的十分粗糙,並且具有許多的小顆粒,越細的不�袗�纖維表面顆粒有增多及變大的趨勢。以能譜儀X射線進行定量化學成份分析發現,纖維越細,所經之熱處理次數越多,不�袗�纖維中碳化物析出也相對多。X-ray繞射分析發現,晶面繞射強度有著明顯之變化,晶體在細化過程中具有不同程度的變化。電阻值的測試結果顯示,隨著纖維直徑的減小,電阻值明顯上升。梭織物隨著混紡紗內不�袗�纖維含量增高,表面電阻率明顯下降;當不�袗�纖維含量高於20 %時,表面電阻率趨於穩定。隨著織物之導電性增加,織物電磁波屏蔽效益也顯著提升。
In this study, 316L austenite stainless steel wire with a 190 μm diameter was used to make eight different diameters of 316L stainless steel fibers, such as 106μm, 48μm, 29μm, 22μm, 19μm, 16μm, 12μm, and 6μm, after thinning process. The crystal structure, grain size, morphology, and electric properties of the fibers were studied. The surface resistivity and electromagnetic interference shielding of stainless steel fiber / polyester fiber fabric were studied as well. The instruments of scanning electron microscope, X-ray, energy dispersive spectrometer, low resistance, and network analyzer were used in this study.
The observation of scanning electron microscopy shows that the surface of stainless steel fiber became coarsely, when the diameter of the fiber was decreased. Some of small particles were found on the surface of stainless steel fiber. The particles increased and became large as the fiber diameter was decreased. The analysis of energy dispersive spectrometer shows that the particles are carbide. XRD shows that the crystal structures of fiber vary with different diameters of fibers.
When the diameter of stainless steel fiber decreased, the electrical resistance increased obviously. The surface resistivity decreased obviously when the stainless steel fiber content of the blended yarn in fabric increased to 20 %. When the stainless steel fiber content of the blended yarn in fabric was higher than 20%, the surface resistivity of the fabric became stable. The electromagnetic interference shielding of the fabric increased with an increase of stainless steel fiber content of the blended yarn in fabric.
目 錄


第一章 序論……………………………………………………………1
1.1 前言………………………………………………………………1
1.2 文獻回顧…………………………………………………………2
1.3 沃斯田鐵不�袗�之簡介…………………………………………3
1.4 合金元素對不�袗�性質的影響…………………………………7
1.5 不�袗�纖維的強化機構…………………………………………9
1.6 不�袗�金屬纖維在紡織製程加工的應用………………………13
1.6.2 不�袗�金屬纖維在織布方面的加工及功能用途……………15
1.7 電磁波干擾與遮蔽理論………………………………………..16
1.7.1 電磁波之來源及干擾…………………………………………16
1.7.2 電磁波之危害…………………………………………………18
1.7.3 電磁波干擾遮蔽理論…………………………………………19
1.8 研究目的………………………………………………………24

第二章 實驗……………………………………………………………25
2.1 實驗材料…………………………………………………………25
2.1.1 不�袗�纖維材料………………………………………………25
2.1.2 不�袗�混紡梭織物……………………………………………26
2.2 實驗設備及儀器…………………………………………………28
2.3 實驗步驟…………………………………………………………29
2.4 實驗流程…………………………………………………………30
2.5 SEM應用於分析不�袗�纖維微細結構…………………………31
2.6 X光譜測量-EDS量測其不�袗�纖維偏析情況………………31
2.7 不�袗�纖維的XRD分析………………………………………31
2.8 不�袗�纖維電阻率的變化………………………………………32

第三章 結果與討論……………………………………………………33
3.1 不�袗�纖維表面微細結構………………………………………33
3.2 EDS量測其不�袗�纖維偏析情況………………………………38
3.3 不�袗�纖維的XRD分析…………………………………………49
3.4 不�袗�纖維電阻值的變化……………………………………51
3.5 不�袗�纖維混紡梭織物之表面電阻率及電磁波遮蔽效益…52

第四章 結論……………………………………………………………61

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