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研究生(外文):Chin-Yang Lin
論文名稱(外文):The Serpentine Spring Design for Electrostatic Torsional Micromirror Actuator
指導教授(外文):Jiunn Fang
外文關鍵詞:micromirrorPull-InTorsional MicromirrorelectrostaticMEMS
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In recent years, Electrostatic Torsional-Micromirror Actuator is one of the major industrial applications and mass productions of the Micro-Electro-Mechanical Systems (MEMS). These products are requested to have the functions of precise light projection, high reflection rate, low power consumption, wide bandwidth, long fatigue lift, and can easily be manufactured on the mass production lines. In these issues, low power consumption can not only save the electrical power but also decrease the induced heat. Moreover, it will avoid the high thermal stress generated in the structures and prolong the products life. Therefore, it becomes the major research topic in this field. Right now, researchs show that lower driving voltage can be achieved by using the serpentine spring to replace the cantilever beam for weaker torsional rigidity of the serpentine spring.
The geometries of the torsional serpentine springs are three-dimensional, and hard to derive the displacement functions from basic theories of the mechanics of materials. Therefore, we apply ANSYS (CAE Software) to predict the pull-in voltages, analyze the torsional rigidities and search the optimal shapes of the structures. However, when applying driving voltages to these micromirrors, they will suffer the vertical crash situation as a side effect for poor bending performance of the serpentine springs. Thus, in this research, we offer the voltage-torsional angle relations data to the designers, and also point out a simple support wall to improve the vertical crash problem.
第1章 緒論.....................................1
第1.1節 前言...................................1
第1.2節 研究目的與動機.........................2
第1.3節 文獻回顧...............................5
第1.4節 組織與章節.............................7
第2章 製程簡介與理論分析.......................9
第2.1節 微細加工製造簡介.......................9
第2.2節 靜電驅動微扭轉鏡製程(Fabrication)...14
第2.3節 微扭轉鏡電容之靜電吸引力矩............17
第2.4節 微扭轉鏡懸臂樑之回復力矩[29-32].......21
第2.5節 靜電驅動微扭轉鏡致動器之理論動態分析..34
第3章 ANSYS數值模擬...........................41
第3.1節 ANSYS電腦輔助工程軟體簡介.............41
第3.2節 靜電驅動微扭轉鏡致動器之ANSYS靜態分析.42
第3.3節 靜電驅動微扭轉鏡致動器之ANSYS動態分析.52
第4章 扭轉鏡面之彎曲彈簧懸臂最佳化............56
第4.1節 彎曲彈簧簡介..........................56
第4.2節 彎曲彈簧扭轉角之ANSYS分析步驟.........59
第4.3節 彎曲彈簧扭轉角之ANSYS分析結果.........60
第5章 彎曲彈簧微扭轉鏡模擬結果與討論..........64
第5.1節 各式扭轉臂之微扭轉鏡與臨界電壓之關係..64
第5.2節 各式扭轉臂之微扭轉鏡受負載後垂直下沉之狀況...67
第5.3節 各式扭轉臂之微扭轉鏡與von Mises等效應力之關係...69
第5.4節 彎曲彈簧微扭轉鏡之自然頻率分析結果....90
第6章 簡支牆式防降彎曲彈簧微扭轉鏡............94
第6.1節 防降彎曲彈簧微扭轉鏡..................94
第6.2節 簡支牆防降彎曲彈簧微扭轉鏡及ANSYS分析.95
第7章 結論與未來工作.........................101
附錄1 多晶矽薄膜材料性質[33].................111
附錄2 微扭轉鏡扭轉角的實驗值與理論值.........113
附錄3 彎曲彈簧測試群組結果資料...............115
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