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研究生(外文):Ming-Wei Lai
論文名稱(外文):Fabrication and Characterization of Stitched Carbon/Carbon Composites
外文關鍵詞:liquid impregnation methodstitching densitycarbon/carbon compositesstitched performs fabrics
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本文使用針縫預成形織物補強酚醛樹脂來製作碳/碳複合材料,並利用液態含浸法來進行重複含浸-碳化以達到增密之效果。在四次重複含浸600℃碳化後,再進行1000℃碳化以及2600℃石墨化。本實驗主要目的是研究經針縫補強之層板與傳統二次元層板之差異,並探討在不同含浸次數、縫合密度(針距: 6mm、9mm、12mm)及縫線直徑(K數: 1K、1.5K)下,對材料進行壓縮、剪切及衝擊測試時之機械性質影響,且對材料進行破損後之顯微結構觀測與分析。由測試結果可發現,針縫補強能有效提高層板之剪切強度與衝擊強度,但卻降低了層板之壓縮強度,而縫合密度與縫線直徑對壓縮、剪切及衝擊性質有著絕對性之影響。隨著含浸次數增加,材料之壓縮、剪切及衝擊強度也隨之增強。
This thesis was aimed at using stitched performs fabrics and phenolic resin for making carbon/carbon composites, and utilize liquid impregnation method to impregnate repeatedly in order to get the result of densified. Four cycles of impregnation and carbonization have been applied to the stitched fabrics to made the carbon/carbon composites at 600℃, followed by the carbonation of the composites at 1000℃.This work was aimed at the influence of the different cycles of impregnation and carbonization, stitching density and diameter of stitching thread on the resulting material properties. Whether probe into difference between stitch composite and traditional composite laminate. Then the compressive test, shear test and impact test were conducted, and the loads were measured. It revealed that the shear strengths and impact strengths were enhanced with stitching, but the compress strengths intensity was reduced. And the stitching density and diameter of stitching thread are having relevant influence on mechanical properties. With the cycles of impregnation and carbonization increased, the compress strengths , shear strengths and impact strengths is enhanced.
誌謝 I
中文摘要 II
英文摘要 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VIII
表目錄 XIV
第一章 前言 1
1.1碳/碳複合材料的製造方法 1
1.2碳/碳複合材料的性能與用途 5
1.3碳/碳複合材料的缺點與改進方法 10
1.4研究動機與目的 10
第二章 理論與文獻回顧 12
2.1針縫補強織物 12
2.2碳纖維的種類 17
2.3酚酫樹脂的選用 18
2.4碳化期間酚酫樹脂的熱分解過程 21
2.5碳材料之碳化及石墨化過程 25
2.6影響碳/碳複合材料機械性質之因素 26
第三章 實驗 27
3.1實驗流程 27
3.2實驗材料 28
3.3實驗設備 29
3.4實驗步驟 30
3.5試片參數與尺寸 35
3.6試片編號 36
3.7複合材料之試驗 37
3.7.1纖維體積含有率 37
3.7.2開放性空孔之量測 37
3.7.3表觀密度之量測 38
3.7.4真密度量測 38
3.7.5壓縮測試 38
3.7.6衝擊測試 40
3.7.7剪切測試 41
3.7.8光學顯微鏡觀察 42
3.7.9掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察 43
3.7.10 X-ray粉末繞射儀 43

第四章 結果與討論 44
4.1試片之物性分析 44
4.1.1纖維體積含有率之比較 44
4.1.2開放性空孔含有率 45
4.1.3重複含浸與碳化次數對試片密度之影響 47
4.2壓縮測試分析 50
4.2.1壓縮試片之破壞外觀 50
4..2.2縫合密度與含浸次數對壓縮強度之影響 51
4..2.3縫線K數對壓縮強度之影響 54
4.3擺錘式衝擊測試分析 55
4.3.1衝擊試片之破壞外觀 55
4.3.2含浸次數對衝擊強度之影響 56
4.4剪切測試分析 58
4.4.1剪切試片之破壞外觀 58
4.4.2縫線K數對剪切強度之影響 59
4.5 X-ray繞射分析 62
4.6顯微結構觀察 63
4.6.1壓縮試片之顯微結構觀察 63
4.6.2衝擊試片之顯微結構觀察 73
4.6.3剪切試片之顯微結構觀察 77
第五章 結論 83
參考文獻 84
作者簡歷 86
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