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研究生(外文):Sheng-Wei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Relationship Between Internationalization andCapital Structures: Evidence from Taiwanese Firms
外文關鍵詞:trade-off theoryagency costinternationalization
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Using a sample of Taiwanese listed firms over the 2001-2003 period, this study investigates the relationship between internationalization and a firm’s capital structure, measured by leverage ratios.

In the univariate tests, our results demonstrate that multinational corporations are significantly less leveraged than domestic corporations. In addition, multinational corporations have lower business risks, lower foreign exchange risks, higher agency costs and more profitable than domestic corporations. Lower leverage ratio of MNCs may come from the facts that their high agency costs and high profitability dominate the effects of low business risks and low foreign exchange risks.

In the multivariate models, our results show an U-shape relationship between internationalization and leverage ratio. That is, there exists an inflection point of the level of internationalization. Internationality is negatively associated with firms’ leverage ratios only before some threshold of internationality, and leverage ratios increase as the degree of internationalization increases beyond this threshold.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Contents iii
Figure contents v
Table contents vi

Chapter 1. Introduction 1
1.1 Research Motivations and Purpose 1
1.2 Research Framework 3
Chapter 2. Literature Review 5
2.1 Sources of Funds for Multinational Operations 5
2.1.1 Internal Source of Funds 5
2.1.2 External Source of Funds 6
2.2 Theories about Firm’s Capital Structure 7
2.2.1 Trade-off Theory 8
2.2.2 Agency Cost Theory 9
2.3 Differences of Capital Structures between MNCs and DCs 11
2.3.1 MNCs Have More Leverage Ratio than DCs 11
2.3.2 MNCs Have Less Leverage Ratio than DCs 12
Chapter 3. Data and Methodology 14
3.1 Data and Sample Selection 14
3.2 Variables 15
3.3 Sample Statistics 19
3.4 Models 22
3.4.1 Linear Model 22
3.4.2 Linear Diversification Model 22
3.4.3 Curvilinear Model 23
3.4.4 Switching Regime Model 24
3.5 Methodology 26
3.5.1 Heteroskedasticity 26
3.5.2 Autocorrelation 27
3.5.3 HAC Consistent Covariances 27
Chapter 4. Results 29
4.1 Univariate Tests 29
4.2 Multivariate Regressions 33
4.2.1 Linear Model 33
4.2.2 Linear Diversification Model 36
4.2.3 Curvilinear Model 39
4.2.4 Switching Regime Model 41
4.3 Summary 44
Chapter 5. Conclusions 45
References 46
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