During year 2000, due to the continuing decrease on the Interest Rate, the traditional insurance business is uneasy to survive. Therefore, the insurance companies in Taiwan carry out the “Unit-Link Product” which has been implemented overseas for years. After several years of Low-Interest-Rate-Age, the interest rate is gradually inclining to climb up. So, that’s the motive of the author’s research. If the fluctuation of the interest rate and the stock market will cause effect on the business of the Investing Insurance, we will discuss this issue in two ways: Survey is focusing on Consumers who “have bought the Unit-Link Product” and who “do not buy Unit-Link Product”, and by using to get the statistics on the questions the author would like to discuss. The result comes as following: (A) For the consumers “who have bought the Unit-Link Product” but cancelled the insurance contract just because of the increased interest rate, the factors of “Age”, “Educational Background” and “Monthly Income Division” have a remarkable connection to it. Whereas, the factors of “Gender”, “Age”, “Marriage” and “Occupation” has a great concern for those who raised the amount of investing insurance contract due to the unsatisfactory stock market. (B) For the consumers “who do not buy the Unit-Link Product” but will buy the Investing Insurance because of the alternation of the Interest Rate, the factors of “Age”, “Occupation” and “Monthly Income Division” have an apparent association with it. Whereas, the factors of “Age”, “Occupation” and “Monthly Income Division” has an obvious relation with those who buy investing insurance due to the variation in stock market.