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研究生(外文):You-Chen Sin
論文名稱(外文):Determinants of the Timing of Semiannual Earnings Announcements
外文關鍵詞:Earnings AnnouncementsSemi-annual ReportTimelinessTime Lag
  • 被引用被引用:3
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Financial statements play important role in forming share price, and is one of the major information sources for investor to make their decisions. However, the decision usefulness depends on the timeliness of financial reports. This study is to investigate the determinants of semi-annual report time lag.
This study is based on the 2010 samples drawn from the listed companies from 2001 to 2004. Results show that time lag is significant negatively associated with the magnitude of discretionary accruals, financial condition, operating loss, the presence of extraordinary items, company size and non-unqualified audit reports, but positively associated with unexpected good earnings news. In addition, I find that the empirical results of the measurement of time lag which is the interval of time from the time of statutory deadline to the time of earnings announcements is better than the traditional time lag, which is the interval of days from the balance sheet date to the date of earnings announcements. The empirical results may help the authority to revise the statutory deadline in the Securities Exchange Act, and then strengthen the timeliness of financial reports.
摘要 I
目錄 III
圖表目錄 IV
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究動機與目的 1
第二節 研究問題 4
第三節 研究流程 5
第四節 論文架構 6
第二章 文獻探討 7
第一節 國外相關文獻探討 7
第二節 國內相關文獻探討 10
第三章 研究方法 17
第一節 研究假說 17
第二節 相關變數之定義與衡量 22
第三節 實證模型及分析方法 29
第四節 樣本選取標準與資料來源 31
第四章 實證結果與分析 34
第一節 敘述性統計 34
第二節 相關係數分析 35
第三節 迴歸分析結果 40
第四節 敏感性分析 44
第五章 結論與建議 51
第一節 結論 51
第二節 研究貢獻 54
第三節 研究限制 54
第四節 後續之研究建議 55
參考文獻 56
附錄 60
附錄一 標準化殘差常態機率圖 60
附錄二 文獻彙總表 64
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