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研究生(外文):Yen-Nin Hsu
論文名稱(外文):A Virtual Laboratory of Embedded Systems for Use in Multiuser Environments
指導教授(外文):Chyi-Ren Dow
外文關鍵詞:Embedded SystemNetMeetingVirtual LaboratoryRemote Laboratory
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隨著e-learning 的普及、網際網路的發達與寬頻網路的廣泛建置,遠距教學已經非常盛行,此一轉變也給各大專院校發展虛擬實驗室的機會。學校受限於經費的限制,對於昂貴的設備都是讓數名學生共用一套,甚至設備也只能在實驗室使用而不可外借。如何讓學生的學習不受時間空間的限制,提高學生學習的效果,以及提高設備的使用率是本研究的目的。我們利用認證、授權、socket程式設計、控制權變換、視訊即時串流、預約機制、電源管理等技術來搭配實驗室內的實驗設備,設計了一個虛擬實驗室的架構並將它實作出來。尤其是能夠多人同時使用一套實體設備讓同組學生能夠共用合作是我們系統的一大特色,同一組的學生能夠看到相同的操作畫面並輪流使用,實驗的結果透過webcam即時傳回給學生,如同這個實驗板就在學生身邊一樣,依它的反應來修正學生自己所寫的程式,學生並可輪流操作這個實驗板,這些情境都跟學生在學校作實驗時相同。而且本系統能夠適用於不同的實驗平台,同時支援ARM 7與ARM 9二種實驗板,甚至所有利用RS232連接,採用超級終端機控制的設備,本系統都能夠支援。
By the prevalent e-learning, developed network technology, and popular broadband transmission, distance education has been very prevalent. Due to the reasons, there will be opportunities of developing a virtual laboratory for colleges. However, expensive equipments can only be used by few students due to the budget limit; even the equipments are only provided in the laboratory. Therefore, the objective of this work is to make the learning activity not be limited within time and location to enhance the performance of student’s learning, and increasing the utilization of equipments. We design and implement a framework of virtual laboratory using the authentication, authorization, socket programming, admission switching, video streaming, reservation mechanism, and power management techniques. Especially, the main feature of our system is collaboration support through the Internet; the students of a team can see the same operational process on their screen and use it by using the function of admission switching, and the experimental results of the target board can be received immediately through the video function. Similar to the target board that can be controlled locally, students can correct programs according to the response from the remote side. Thus, a virtual laboratory looks just like a read one. Moreover, our system can be applied to different platforms and it can currently support ARM 7, ARM 9, and even all equipments that have RS232 connection and can be controlled by the HyperTerminal.
中文摘要 i
Abstract ii
Acknowledgements iii
Table of Contents iv
List of Figures vi
List of Tables vii
Chapter 1 Introduction 1
1.1 Motivation 1
1.2 Overview of the Research 3
1.3 Thesis Organization 4
Chapter 2 Related Work 5
2.1 Virtual Laboratory 5
2.2 Embedded Systems 7
2.3 Remote Access 9
Chapter 3 System Architecture 11
3.1 System Overview 11
3.2 Virtual Laboratory Portal Module 13
3.3 Client Module 14
3.4 Video Streaming Module 14
3.5 Configuration Management Module 15
3.6 Windows NetMeeting 16
Chapter 4 System Implementation 18
4.1 Implementation Approach 18
4.2 Implementation of Virtual Laboratory Portal Module 21
4.2.1 Implementation of Login Unit 22
4.2.2 Implementation of Reservation Unit 22
4.3 Implementation of Client Module 24
4.3.1 Implementation of HyperTerminal Unit 25
4.3.2 Implementation of Send File Unit 25
4.3.3 Implementation of Admission Switching Unit 26
4.4 Implementation of Video Streaming Module 28
4.5 Implementation of Configuration Management Module 29
Chapter 5 System Prototype 32
5.1 Command and Send File Scenario 32
5.2 NetMeeting Scenario 36
Chapter 6 Experimental Results 39
6.1 The Content of Questionnaire 39
6.2 The statistics and analysis of questionnaire 40
Chapter 7 Concluding Remarks 44
References 46
Vita 51
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