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研究生(外文):Fu-Min Huang
論文名稱(外文):An Architecture of Virtual Environment for E-Learning(AVEE)
指導教授(外文):Ming Chao
外文關鍵詞:virtual realityMVCmedia streame-Learning
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隨著多媒體技術與網路頻寬不斷的進步,傳統以文字及圖片為主流的教學環境,將逐漸地融入具有影音串流或是虛擬實境之教學環境。這一路的蛻變,顯而易見地說明學習者渴望有更多的感官刺激及互動參與,藉此在一個消耗腦力與體力的過程中提高學習興趣與專注力。本文提出以MVC(Model, View, Controller)架構為基礎並整合3D虛擬實境之技術,開發出同步、非同步、及合作之AVEE教學系統(An Architecture of Virtual Environment for E-Learning),以期能增加教學時的互動與提升學習興趣。
With the progress of multimedia technology and increasing network bandwidth, the traditional learning environment that based on text and pictures, will be integrated with media stream or virtual reality. In other words, the learners hope that there are more stimulus of the body’s senses and interactive with the learning environment. Hence, learner can promoting his motivation and to concentrate on learning. Here, we show an architecture that can support this environment. Our AVEE (An Architecture of Virtual Environment for E-Learning) architecture is based on the MVC architecture (Model, View Controller) with the 3D virtual environment to promote learners study actively and also integrates the synchronous, asynchronous and cooperative learning environment.
In our AVEE consists of four virtual space. “The hall” allows the learner to revise the personal information. “The discussion area” offers learner can discuss in synchronous and asynchronous manner. “The video classroom” provides learner to learn synchronously. “The resource classroom” has self-study facilities. Learners can imagine oneself as the avatar in the virtual space and control it by keyboard or mouse. In addition, we also use "money exchange" and "multi-user" mechanisms when learners participate in discussing and learning actively to encourage them. The AVEE architecture adopts Struts to implement MVC in the bottom layer. The AVEE also integrates NetMeeting and VirTools technique to implement media stream and virtual reality in the middle layer. Cooperative learning is involved in the top layer. The AVEE can improve the interactivity during learn process. Finally, we hope to find entertainment with education in this architecture. The whole system is only a prototype and in very primitive condition which needs many hard work to improve it.
誌謝 i
中文摘要 ii
Abstract iii
目錄 iv
圖目錄 vi
表目錄 viii
第一章 緒論 1
1.1 系統開發的背景與動機 1
1.2 系統開發目的及開發範疇 3
1.3 系統開發及執行時的限制 4
1.4 論文架構 5
第二章 相關文獻探討 6
2.1 數位學習 6
2.1.1 數位學習的演進過程 6
2.1.2 數位學習的發展趨勢 9
2.1.3 小結 11
2.2 多媒體技術 12
2.2.1 虛擬實境 12
2.2.2 媒體串流 17
2.2.3 小結 21
2.3 MVC(model, view, controller)架構 21
2.3.1 Model 1, Model 2, Model 2x 22
2.3.2 典型的MVC架構 27
2.3.3 小結 30
第三章 系統分析與設計 32
3.1 系統底層架構分析 32
3.2 系統模組分析 38
3.3 資料庫設計 53
第四章 系統實作 56
4.1 系統開發環境 57
4.2 底層架構實作 58
4.3 多人線上互動實作 69
4.4 其它實作畫面與介面介紹 74
第五章 結論與未來方向 79
5.1 結論 79
5.2 未來方向 80
參考文獻 84
簡歷 90
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