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研究生(外文):Jhe-Wei Guo
論文名稱(外文):Synthesis and Analysis of Nickel Nanoparticles
指導教授(外文):Jen-Bin Shi
外文關鍵詞:nickel chloridenanoparticles
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由SEM分析中可知,吾人製作之奈米粒子為40~50奈米,由XRD及EDS分析可知所製作之奈米粒子為面心立方結構(fcc)之鎳奈米粒子。在VSM量測中,可得飽和磁化量(Ms)為51.4 emu/g、殘餘磁化量(Mr)為16 emu/g、矯頑磁力(Hc)為117Oe。與塊材相較吾人所製作之奈米粒子有較低之飽和磁化量,卻有較高之殘餘磁化量。
In this study, we tried to use nickel chloride, ethylene glycol and hydrazine to synthesize nickel nanoparticles, and add sodium hydroxide to adjust pH to 10 ~ 12. In this method, we could synthesize nickel nanoparticles by hydrazine reduction in ethylene glycol. Then, we analyzed the uniform dispersion nickel nanoparticles surface shape and particle size by the FE-SEM and TEM, the structure by the XRD, and measure the magnetic properties by the vibrating sample magnetometer (VSM). We could observe the particle size 40 ~ 50 nm from FE-SEM images, but the TEM images show the particle size about 10 ~ 20 nm. By the analysis of the X-ray diffraction and EDS, the particles were characterized to be the pure nickel crystalline with face-center cubic structure. The saturation magnetization was 51.4 emu/g lower than bulk nickel. But the remanent magnetization was 16 emu/g higher than bulk nickel. The coercive force was 117Oe at room temperature.
誌謝 ........................................................................i
摘要 .......................................................................ii
Abstract ..................................................................iii
Contents ...................................................................iv
List of Figures ...........................................................v
List of Tables .........................................................vii
Chapter I ...........................................................1
1.1 Preface ...........................................................1
1.2 Theory Background ..................................................2
1.2.1 Nanomaterials ..................................................2
1.2.2 The Application of Nanoparticles ................................5
1.3 Magnetic Material ..................................................5
1.3.1 The Theory of Magnetism .........................................5
1.3.2 The Application of Magnetic Nanoparticles .......................8
1.4 The Core-Shell particles .........................................9
1.5 The Fabrication of Nanoparticles ........................................10
1.5.1 Solvent Extraction Reduction ........................................12
1.5.2 Polyol Reduction .................................................13
1.5.3 Photolytic Reduction .................................................14
1.6 Motivation ..........................................................14
Chapter II ..........................................................15
2.1 Synthesize Nanoparticles ........................................15
2.1.1 Materials ..........................................................15
2.1.2 Methods ..........................................................15
2.1.3 Core-Shell Particles .................................................17
2.2 Analysis ..........................................................19
Chapter III ..........................................................21
3.1 The Parameter of Process ........................................21
3.2 Particle Size Analysis .................................................22
3.3 Components and Structure Analysis ...............................32
3.4 Magnetic Properties .................................................35
Chapter IV ..........................................................36
Reference .............................................................37
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