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研究生(外文):Yu-Yun Wu
論文名稱(外文):An Empirical Analysis of Stock Price Behavior Surrounding Share Repurchase Announcements
外文關鍵詞:market modelevent study methodologyshare repurchase announcements
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In the present research, we examine stock price behavior surrounding share repurchase announcements made by companies which have shares traded on either the Taiwan Stock Exchange or Over-the-Counter in Taiwan. The empirical analysis sample consists of 1,240 share repurchase announcements by firms from August 9, 2000 to December 31, 2004. Using daily stock returns, the market model is adopted to calculate the abnormal returns of sample companies. The event study methodology and multiple regression analysis are employed to examine(Ⅰ)stock price behavior surrounding share repurchase announcements,(Ⅱ)whether the purpose of share repurchase announcements affects stock returns differently,(Ⅲ)the factors which have an influence on share repurchase announcement effect and(Ⅳ)the factors that affect repurchase completion rates.

The results from this investigation are similar to the finding of other studies. First, there is a significant stock price decline prior to its announcements and a significant stock price increase in response to stock repurchase announcements. This evidence suggests that the stock returns are significantly positively correlated to share repurchase announcements, implying that share repurchase announcements do have information content leading to an increase in the market value of firms. Second, prior to announcements, the cumulative abnormal returns for the group of “the purpose of transfer shares to employees ” are significantly lower than those for the group of “the purpose of maintaining firms’ credit and stockholders’ equity”, while the cumulative abnormal returns, over the three days after announcements are significantly higher for the group of “the purpose of maintaining firms’ credit and stockholders’ equity” than for the group of “the purpose of transfer shares to employees ”. Third, the target rate of share repurchases and the repeat of share repurchase announcements are significantly positively and negatively correlated to the announcement effect. Finally, both the cumulative abnormal returns over the execution period and the target rate of share repurchase are significantly negatively correlated to the actual share repurchase rate.
中文摘要 i
英文摘要 ii
章節目錄 iii
圖 目 錄 iv
表 目 錄 v
第一章 緒 論 1
第一節 研究背景及動機 1
第二節 研究目的 2
第三節 研究範圍與期間 4
第四節 研究架構 5
第二章 我國股份買回制度簡介 7
第一節 我國股份買回制度立法背景與沿革 7
第二節 我國現行股份買回制度之執行規定 9
第三章 文獻回顧 12
第一節 股份買回動機理論 12
第二節 股份買回宣告之股價行為相關實證研究 16
第三節 股份買回執行率影響因素之相關實證研究 20
第四章 研究設計 29
第一節 研究假說 29
第二節 研究變數定義 32
第三節 研究方法 34
第四節 研究期間與樣本 42
第五章 實證結果與分析 45
第一節 股份買回宣告效果之實證分析 45
第二節 影響宣告效的因素之實證結果 53
第三節 實際執行買回股份影響因素之實證結果 59
第六章 結論與建議 65
第一節 研究結論 65
第二節 研究限制 67
第三節 研究建議 67
參考文獻 69
附錄 72








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