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Author (Eng.):Jui-Pin Chiu
Title (Eng.):A Study on the Key Factors and Implementation Performance of Dealer Information System
Advisor:蔡千姿蔡千姿 author reflink
Narrow Field:商業及管理學門
Detailed Field:企業管理學類
Types of papers:Academic thesis/ dissertation
Publication Year:2005
Graduated Academic Year:93
number of pages:101
keyword (chi):經銷商影響策略通路權力交易成本通路氣候資訊系統連結績效通路激勵通路規範供應商
keyword (eng):Channel normsRetailerSupplierTransaction costChannel motivationInformation system linkage performanceChannel climateChannel powerinfluence tactics
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不論是鋪貨或銷售都必須審慎評估每一商店實際販售的適合性,先前的成功或失敗經驗都是往後決策分析時很好的參考依據 。為了確保資訊的真實性、即時性及避免資料搜尋中人力的浪費,通路間資訊系統連結作業是有其必要的。本研究在於探討供應商與經銷商之間,可能影響雙方資訊系統連結作業成敗的各項變數關係,及如何有效運用與加強這些變數能力。讓目前已實施或未來計畫推行的通路商當做作業參考,並期許大家都能建構一套完善的資訊管理架構,以提升各公司的競爭力。
It is necessary to carefully evaluate each outlet to see if they are proper dealers for practical selling, no matter for distribution or sales purpose. Prior success or failure experiences are very good references for decision analysis in the future. To ensure just in time and reality of information and avoid human resource waste on data searching, information system linkage operation between channels are necessary. This study will discuss the relationships between different variables that may influence information linkage operation between suppliers and wholesalers and how to manipulate effectively and reinforce the abilities of these variables. Study results will offer operation references to suppliers and retailers who had implemented or are planning to develop systems in the future; researchers expect companies to construct perfect information management structures to enhance their competitiveness.

This study used direct observation and systemically interview to detect the correlation variables influence information system linkage performance. Researchers put together the questionnaires and in-depth interviews of related people of the case companies, find out the interaction relationships between six study variables - influence tactics, channel power, channel climate, channel motivation, channel norms, and transaction cost - with the information system linkage performance. The study shows the variables will influence each other or the final results of performance. According to the above observation and interview analysis, researchers developed the following propositions:
P1: Within channel relationships, use different influence tactics can build good climate relationships and achieve particular assignment.
P2: Within channel relationships, symmetrical channel power can sustain the formation of good cannel climate.
P3: Within channel relationships, the support of channel members to channel climate will help to enhance the information system linkage performance.
P4. Between channel relationships, a timely, reasonable and effective incentive system will help to enhance information system linkage performance.
P5. Between channel relationships, establishment of channel norms will help to enhance information system linkage performance.
P6. Between channel relationships, the results of transaction cost limit the development of information system linkage performance. The best way to avoid transaction cost is through sufficiently communications in advance.

Only if can the suppliers truly and completely feedback the collected information, the functions and objectives of information system linkage operation can be developed to the best condition. If suppliers can educate wholesalers periodically and motivate them to promote themselves through developing all kinds of management reports from information collected by wholesalers around the country, it will be the best feedback to them.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究目的與問題 4
第三節 預期貢獻 5

第二章 文獻探討
第一節 影響策略、通路權力與通路氣候的關係 7
第二節 激勵與通路激勵 22
第三節 通路規範 29
第四節 交易成本 32
第五節 資訊系統連結績效 36

第三章 研究方法
第一節 個案研究方法 39
第二節 研究對象 40
第三節 研究變數 41
第四節 研究步驟 47

第四章 個案分析
第一節 供應商個案A公司 50
第二節 經銷商個案A-1、A-2、A-3公司 53
第三節 供應商個案B公司 61
第四節 經銷商個案B-1、B-2、B-3公司 63

第五章 結論與建議
第一節 個案研究結果 70
第二節 發展命題 74
第三節 研究結論 77
第四節 研究限制與建議 79
參考文獻 80
附錄一 89
附錄二 94
附錄三 100
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16.黃營杉譯(民國88年)(Charles W. L. Hill & Gareth R. Jones原著),策略管理,華泰文化事業公司,台北。

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