Nantou County is the only county without seacoast in Taiwan. There are many great sights in Nantou, and thus good air quality is a precious nature treasure. The air quality in 2003 is worse than that in 2002, especially on items ozone and PM10. Did the result have something to do with the increasing traffic flow on Formosa-Free-Way? Did the pollutants emission from traffic vehicles? Did those pollutants transform to ozone by way of photochemical reaction and cause the ozone concentration to increase? These came to a conclusion that understanding the fact is very important and need to be investigated. The CAMx model, a Comprehensive Air Quality Model With Extensions, is utilized to simulate the effect of traffic flow of Formosa-Free-Way on ozone distribution in Nantou Couty. The model was reasonable verified by comparing to the EPA air quality, 5 days periods of ozone distribution of Nantou County with and without Formosa-Free-Way traffic. The results show that IF of ozone emission from Formosa-Free-Way has few effects on ozone distribution in Nantou County, about 2% to 5% is evaluated. The critical regions are towns of Nantou, Tsautuen, Kuosin, Puli, and Chushan.