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研究生(外文):Jang-Meng Wang
論文名稱(外文):On the noise sensitivity of optical watermark system
指導教授(外文):L.C. Lin
外文關鍵詞:nonlinear optical correlatorhologramwatermarkingoptical watermark system (OWS)
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This paper is to discuss the effect of noise and analyze nonlinearity of the optical correlator on detection procedure of the optical watermark system (OWS). In the digital holographic watermarking scheme, the watermark is constructed by an optically holography architecture, and the watermarked hologram is embedded into a cover image. For the Detection, the optical correlator is used to detect the embedded watermark based on the correlation of the watermarked image and the authorized mark pattern. Given a sharp correlation, one can claim that the watermarked image has a correct mark. Conversely, the mark is absence.
This thesis consists of two purposes: one is to discuss the noise effect of the optical watermark system and the second is to consider the influence of the nonlinear device of the system. When the watermarked image interrupted by various type of noises such as additive white noise、occlusion of one part of the image and quantization, we develop an statistical model for analyzing the output correlation under the noise environment. Furthermore, since the watermarked image is a wide range gray-level image, the nonlinear SLM effect should consider under this structure. Thus, we derive the nonlinear relationship for the input and output of the SLM and use it to consider output correlation under the nonlinear environment. Experimental results is demonstrated the performance of the optical watermark system under the noise corruption and the nonlinear effect of the optical device in the system.
第1章 緒論
1.1 浮水印之技術及其應用
1.2 光學信號處理
1.3 光學式數位浮水印之產生與鑑定
1.4 論文研究重點及目的
1.5 貢獻
第2章 光學式數位浮水印之系統
2.1 數位全像型浮水印之製作程序
2.2 數位全像型浮水印之鑑定程序
第3章 非線性光學式鑑識器
第4章 雜訊對於浮水印強韌度之影響
4.1 雜訊的模型
4.2 三種雜訊
4.3 雜訊在光學式鑑識器的反應
第5章 實驗結果
5.1 線性下的三種雜訊
5.2 非線性下三種雜訊
第6章 結論
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