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研究生(外文):Su Botong
論文名稱(外文):Willa Cather’s My Ántonia: A Reading and Chinese Translation
指導教授(外文):Bro. Nicholas Koss
外文關鍵詞:Willa CatherMy ÁntoniaChinese Translation
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Willa Cather’s fourth novel, My Ántonia, was published in 1918. Although the novel did not bring her immediate success then, it is her best-known novel and won her international reputation as one of the best American writer in the twentieth century. Set in Nebraska, the novel tells of a story of the struggling life of a Bohemian immigrant family in the mid-west America. Jim is the narrator of the story, and by rebuilding his friendship with Ántonia, his childhood playmate in Nebraska, in the middle of his life, he tells in this novel all he can remember of his childhood, his friends, and everything that is relating to this foreign girl.
The thesis has seven chapters. In the Introduction, I will explain why I chose this novel and why I wanted to translate it. In Chapter I, I will have a brief introduction of Cather’s life and the historical context of the novel. Chapter II will be focused on the exploration of the relationship between the two main characters, Jim and Ántonia. In Chapter III, I will introduce the theories I applied to my translation and, besides, a general survey of the problems of Tang Xinmei’s translation of the novel, which is so far the only Chinese translation I can find in Taiwan. In Chapter IV, I will discuss the difficulties I encountered in the process of translation. Chapter V is a brief introduction to my translation of this novel. The last Chapter is my Chinese Translation of this novel.
Table of content
Introduction 1
The Abbreviations of the Dictionaries I Used for My Translation 9
Chapter I:
Willa Cather, the Background for My Ántonia, and Historical Elements in the Novel 11
Chapter II:
A Reading of My Ántonia: The Realtionship between
Jim and Ántonia 29
Chapter III:
Translation Theories Applied in My Translation
and the Problems in the Chinese Translation of My Ántonia by Tang Xinmei 53
Chapter IV:
Difficulties in the Process of Translation 99
Chapter V:
The Introduction to My Translation 117
Bibliography 123
The Translation of My Ántonia
Works Cited and Consulted (more books and articles will be added)
I. Primary Source
Cather, Willa Sibert. My Ántonia. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1994.
維拉˙凱塞。 《原野長宵》。 湯新楣譯。 香港:今日世界社,1964。
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