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研究生(外文):Chi-Yung Su
論文名稱(外文):Evaluating Performance of the Local Operations Department for Telecommunications Network Company with Multiple Criteria
指導教授(外文):Junn-Yuan Teng
外文關鍵詞:Entropymulti-criteriaTOPSISperformance evaluationfixed-cable network industry
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當前固網業者對地區維運單位的績效評估,並未有客觀的評估方法。本研究有鑑於此,提出適合固網產業部門績效評估的多指標評估模式(multiple index evaluation model)。本研究首先根據文獻回顧及固網產業的特性,找出構成維運績效的維運區水準、站台建設及電路安裝、障礙查修三個組成成份,然後根據各成份的評估項目,建構83項基本的維運績效評估指標,同時歸納為員工生產力、顧客服務能力、障礙查修能力、設備或線路維修能力、維運區水準五個評估要因,分別包含16、5、19、30及13個評估指標。由於各評估指標均具有客觀量化的績效值(performance value),因此本研究採用entropy法決定評估指標的權重(weight)。最後本研究結合TOPSIS評估法,進行各維運單位的綜合評估及績效優劣的排序。
Currently, the fixed-cable network companies do not have objective evaluation methods for the performance evaluation of the regional operation departments. In consideration of this issue, this study addresses a multiple index evaluation model that is suitable for the performance evaluation of the departments in fixed-cable network industry. First of all, based on documents review and the characteristics of fixed-cable network industry, this study looks for the components that constitute the operation performance, which are operational standard, construction of platform & circuit installation, and trouble-shooting. And then, according to the evaluation items of each component, 83 basic operational performance evaluation indicators are established; in the meantime these 83 indicators are generalized into five important evaluating factors, which include the productivity of employees, the capability of customer services, the capability of trouble-shooting, the capability of equipment or circuit maintenance, and the standard of operational division, and each of them are involved in 16, 5, 19, 30 and 13 evaluation indicators respectively. Consequently, this study uses entropy to decide the weight of the evaluation indicator. Lastly, this study combines with TOPSIS to proceed every operational unit’s integrated evaluation and ranking of performance.
Performance evaluation is a complicated job, the fewer the evaluation indicators being considered, the higher the complexity is. If using fewer evaluation indicators to proceed with the evaluation can still obtain the results that come from the usage of all the evaluation indicators, and no remarkable difference is found between the two results, then the performance evaluation can be proceeded easier. In order to achieve this purpose, this study uses the mean, calculation of the third quartile, calculation of 80% to proceed with the selection of evaluation indicators, and each of them chooses 43, 24, and 20 evaluation indicators respectively. Furthermore, this study uses entropy to get the weight of the indicator and the application of TOPSIS to proceed with integrated evaluation
Last but not least, this study uses Sparq* as a case study to proceed with the analysis of evidence. The evaluation indicators that obtain from 3 kinds of selection criteria are used to proceed with integrated evaluation on four operational departments; then, the evaluation results that obtain from the consideration of all evaluation indicators are used to proceed with the Paired t-test. According to the test results, the evaluation results that obtain from 3 kinds of selection criteria are similar to the one that obtain from the consideration of all evaluation indicators. It shows that when Sparq* proceeds with the evaluation of operational department’s performance, only 20 evaluation indicators are enough to proceed with the evaluation. The achievements of this study can be provided, as a reference, to the other telecommunications companies to proceed with their departments’ performance evaluation.
誌 謝............................................................... I
摘 要.............................................................. II
ABSTRACT.......................................................... IV
目錄............................................................... VI
表目錄............................................................. IX
圖目錄............................................................ XII
第一章 緒論......................................................... 1
1.1 研究緣起........................................................ 1
1.2 研究目的........................................................ 3
1.3 研究範圍與限制................................................... 4
1.4 研究內容........................................................ 5
1.5 研究方法........................................................ 6
1.6 研究流程........................................................ 9
第二章 文獻回顧..................................................... 13
2.1 電信效率衡量方法之回顧........................................... 14
2.2 績效評估相關文獻回顧............................................. 19
2.3 評估指標選取之原則............................................... 22
2.4 權重決定方法之回顧............................................... 23
2.5 各種權重求算方法之比較........................................... 28
第三章 固網產業現況分析.............................................. 31
3.1 固網產業特性分析................................................ 31
3.2 固網產業營運現況分析............................................ 34
3.3 固網產業維運績效評估現況分析..................................... 37
第四章 維運績效評估模式之建立......................................... 42
4.1 績效評估模式之架構............................................... 42
4.2 代表性指標的選取方法............................................. 48
4.3 Entropy權重決定法............................................... 54
4.4 TOPSIS評估法................................................... 58
4.5 配對t檢定方法................................................... 61
第五章 實証分析..................................................... 64
5.1 個案公司說明.................................................... 64
5.2 評估指標初擬.................................................... 66
5.3 代表性評估指標篩選............................................... 79
5.4 評估指標權重的求取............................................... 90
5.5 維運單位營運績效的評估...........................................107
5.6 三種選取法則評估結果有無差異之檢定................................ 134
5.7 結果與討論..................................................... 136
第六章 結論與建議.................................................. 138
6.1 研究結論...................................................... 138
6.2 建議事項...................................................... 139
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