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研究生(外文):Rung-tsung Ho
論文名稱(外文):Case Study of Implementing Six-Sigma System By Domestic Enterprises
指導教授(外文):Rex Chen
外文關鍵詞:Key success factorObstacle factorSix-sigma systemQuality management system
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近年來六標準差比其他品質管理系統更能產生顯著的績效成果,而受業界重視蔚為風潮,在奇異總裁傑克、威爾許(Jack Welch)大力推介後,企業一時競相仿效,並被視為提升企業競爭力的重要工具。本研究採取以個案公司深度訪談方式,探討國內企業導入六標準差制度的實施動機、推行步驟及經驗成果,分析歸納出推動六標準差制度之可能成功關鍵因素與障礙因素,並找出解決方案,最後提供國內企業未來導入六標準差制度一項參考的依據。
The overall quality management of the modernization is the foundation that the enterprise heads into the world class to conduct the level, the only good-quality management achieves of high customer satisfaction, can maintain the competition ability of everlasting management. Facing the globalization competition environment and the enterprise fights for handing over the period, cost to reduce quickly and high-quality condition, the enterprise all hopes the ability to carry on the inner part promotion homework by improving the skill, enhancing the constitution of the enterprise and the technique that combines the quality management and the quality engineering gradually, helping to reduce the homework mistake, promote the customer satisfaction and molding to organize the culture, to promote the competition ability.
In recent years Six-Sigma even can produce the obvious results , and be subjected to the industry value to become the unrest than other quality management system, after strange chief executive officer''s right bower, Jack Welch of GE’s CEO recommend strongly, the enterprise imitates at that time and competitively, and is seen as important tool of promoting the enterprise competition ability. This research adopts by the individual cases company depth interview, inquiring into the implement motive that the domestic enterprise duct into Six-Sigma system and promoting the step and the experience result, analyzing to induce pushing key success factor and the obstacle factor of the Six-Sigma system, and finding out the solution, providing the domestic enterprise finally to will duct into Six-Sigma system a basis of references in the future.
The main contribution of this research contain as following three items︰
1. According to the result of the thorough interview, we provide the domestic enterprise to duct into the Six-Sigma system and the reference of the method.
2. We find out the key success factor that the domestic enterprise promotes Six- Sigma system and the obstacle factor suffered.
3. We put forward the domestic enterprise to promote how Six-Sigma system situation obstacles overcome and find out the solution.
第一章 緒論
第一節 研究動機1
第二節 研究目的3
第三節 研究範圍4
第四節 研究流程與步驟5
第二章 文獻評論
第一節 品質管理的範疇7
第二節 六標準差之概論15
第三節 全面品質管制與六標準差之比較23
第四節 六標準差之實施方式28
第五節 六標準差實施成效之關鍵因素34
第三章 研究方法
第一節 研究架構47
第二節 研究程序49
第三節 問卷設計50
第四節 個案研究法52
第四章 資料分析
第一節 個案公司資料分析54
第三節 個案公司遭遇障礙因素之解決方案93
第四節 國內外企業推動六標準差之比較95
第五章 結論與建議
第一節 結論102
第二節 建議106
第三節 未來研究方向107
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