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研究生(外文):Chen-tai Lai
論文名稱(外文):The Effect of Manganese Contents on the Strain Induced Martensite and Twinning of Austenitic Stainless Steels
指導教授(外文):Dong-Yih Lin
外文關鍵詞:Deformation twinningHeat treatmentMechanical propertiesmartensiteAustenitic stainless steel
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The purpose of this study is to discuss the influence of manganese contents on the δ-ferrite content, strain induced martensite and twinning of austenitic stainless steels. Results of this study can help the understanding of the effect of mangansese content on the martensitic phase transformation of cold working of stainless steels.
The experiments showed, the higher the manganese content in stainless steels is, the better is the suppression of δ-ferrite. Also the δ-ferrite is decreased with the increasing of heating time, because δ-ferrite diffuses into γ-matrix and makes its content decreased.
The rolling tests showed that the content of strain induced martensite in austenitic stainless steels is decreased with the increasing of manganese contents because stacking fault energy decreased.
The yield strength, tensile strength, elongation, impact energy and martensite content of test materials decrease with the increasing of manganese contents after tensile and impact tests. The increasing of strain rate brings to adiabatic heating of materials that suppresses the strain-induced martensite transformation.
Chapter 1 前言1
1.1 沃斯田鐵系不�袗�之簡介1
1.2 麻田散鐵的形成4
Chapter 2 理論基礎與文獻回顧5
2.1 沃斯田鐵系不�袗�之凝固行為5
2.1.1 沃斯田鐵系不�袗�之凝固過程5
2.1.2 沃斯田鐵系不�袗�之凝固型態8
2.2 應力誘發雙晶與麻田散鐵對沃斯田鐵不�袗�機械性質的影響13
2.2.1 變形雙晶對機械性性質的影響13
2.2.2 應變誘發麻田散鐵相變態15
2.3 雙晶及麻田散鐵的相變機構16
2.3.1 雙晶的產生16
2.3.2 應變誘發麻田散鐵的成因16
2.4 影響應力誘發雙晶及麻田散鐵的因素21
2.4.1 疊差能21
2.4.2 溫度23
2.4.3 應變速率25
Chapter 3 實驗方法與過程27
3.1 實驗流程27
3.2 實驗方法29
3.2.1 試片材料準備29
3.2.2 化學成分分析29
3.2.3 時效熱處理30
3.2.4 拉伸試驗30
3.2.5 軋延試驗31
3.2.6 衝擊試驗32
3.2.7 硬度測試33
3.2.8 磁性分析33
3.2.9 光學顯微鏡觀察34
3.2.10 掃描式電子顯微鏡觀察34
3.2.11 X光繞射試驗34
Chapter 4 結果與討論35
4.1 不同錳含量對相變化之影響35
4.1.1 不同錳含量對凝固型態之影響35
4.1.2 軋延過程對δ-肥粒鐵的影響39
4.1.3 固溶化處理對不同銅含量之δ-肥粒鐵含量之影響41
4.1.4 固溶化熱處理對不同錳含量對硬度值之影響44
4.1.5 固溶化熱處理對晶粒大小之影響47
4.2 軋延試驗49
4.2.1 軋延試驗對應力誘發麻田散鐵產生的之影響50
4.2.2 麻田散鐵生成對硬度之影響55
4.2.3 軋延後金相觀察及分析59
4.2.4 不同錳含量軋延前後XRD分析62
4.3 拉伸試驗65
4.3.1 不同錳含量及時效熱處理對拉伸機械性質之影響66
4.3.2 不同應變速率對機械性質之影響75
4.3.3 拉伸試驗對應力誘發麻田散鐵產生的之響80
4.3.4 拉伸後金相觀察及破斷面分析83
4.4 衝擊試驗88
4.4.1 不同錳含量及時效熱處理對衝擊測試之影響90
4.4.2 衝擊後金相觀察及分析92
4.4.3 衝擊試驗對應力誘發麻田散鐵產生的之影響97
Chapter 5 結論99
Chapter 6 參考文獻101
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