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研究生(外文):Li-Ching wei
論文名稱(外文):Inverse Halftone Using the Genetic Algorithm and A Codebook
外文關鍵詞:Genetic AlgorithmCodebookDiscrete Cosine TransformInverse Halftone
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In this research, the author proposes a method to inverse the halftone image using the genetic algorithm and a Codebook. There are several technology existed to inverse the halftone image. Most of them used template tables and calculated referred to the variation of the environment. However, none of them can provide the optimal templates and then the quality of inversed halftone can not be enhanced.
In This research, the genetic algorithm is proposed to search for the best template with weights.Also, the codebook is used in this application to enhance the inverse effect for in our method. The codebook is widely used in our method compression technology. Therefore, the combination of using the genetic algorithm and codebook is proposed in the research. In our experiments, our method outperforms of other methods.
第一章 簡介.......................1
1.1 研究動機.......................2
1.2 研究目的.......................2
1.3 色調的基本概念.......................3
1.4 誤差擴散法簡介.......................3
1.5 查表法簡介.......................4
1.6 遺傳演算法簡介.......................7
1.7 編碼簿簡介.......................9
1.7.1 離散餘弦簡介.......................9
1.7.2 小波轉換簡介.......................11
第二章 利用遺傳演算法與編碼簿解決反轉半色調問題.......................13
2.1 系統架構.......................13
2.2 利用遺傳演算法找出樣板權重.......................15
2.3 利用編碼簿取代第一階段反轉圖.......................18
2.3.1 編碼簿架構.......................18
2.3.2 編碼簿所用訓練圖片.......................20
2.3.3 k-means訓練法.......................20
2.3.4 離散餘弦編碼簿.......................22
2.3.5 小波轉換編碼簿.......................22
2.3.6 重疊處理法.......................26
第三章 實驗結果.......................8
3.1 遺傳演算法實驗結果.......................27
3.2 編碼簿取代法結果.......................33
3.3 離散餘弦實驗結果.......................35
3.4 採用不同離散餘弦大小的編碼簿.......................37
3.5 離散餘弦8*8區塊.......................38
3.6 小波實驗結果.......................39
3.7 個種方式比較表.......................42
3.8 編碼簿與目前技術比較效果.......................46
3.9 重疊處理比較.......................47
第四章 結論.......................48
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