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研究生(外文):Fu, Yi-Yuan
論文名稱(外文):The Change in CDS Spread:An Event Study of the Downgrades of GM and Ford
外文關鍵詞:Credit DerivativesCredit Default SwapGeneral MotorsFord MotorsCredit Rating
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第壹章 序論
第貳章 信用衍生性商品市場的發展
一、信用違約交換(Credit Default Swap)
二、總資產報酬交換(Total Rate of Return Swap)
三、信用連結票券(Credit-Linked Note)與信用連結定存(Credit-Linked Deposit)
四、信用抵押擔保債權(Collateralized Debt Obligations)
五、固定年期信用違約交換(Constant Maturity Credit Default Swap)
第參章 信用衍生性商品的評價模型及影響信用違約交換價格的因素
第肆章 信用事件的發生對信用違約交換價格的影響-- 以通用汽車(General Motor)和福特汽車(Ford)為例
第伍章 結論
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Choudhry, M. 2004, Structured Credit Products: Credit Derivatives & Synthetic Securitisation, Singopore: John Wiley & Sons (Asia) Pte Ltd.
Cossin, D. and T. Hricko 2001, Exploring for the Determinants of Credit Risk in Credit Default Swap Transation Data, University of Lausanne.
Gilbert, J. and L. Cherniavsky 1998, Considerations in Measuring the Credit Risk in Derivatives, The Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management (March): 58-65.
Hirani, S. G. and J. P. McEvoy 2000, Challenges and Opportunities for the Credit Derivatives Market, The Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management (January): 82-88.
Hull, J., and A. White 2000, Valuing Credit Default Swap I: No Counterparty Default Risk.
Hull, J., and A. White 2000, Valuing Credit Default Swap II: Mdeling Default Correlations.
Hull, J., M. Predescu and A. White 2004, The Relationship between Credit Default Swap Spreads, Bond Yield, and Credit Rating Accouncements, Joseph L. Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
Jorrow, R. A., and S. M. Turnbull 1995, Pricing Derivatives on Financial Securities Subject to Credit Risk, The Journal of Finance, Vol. 50, No 1, 53-85
Nelken, I. 1999, Implementing Credit Derivatives: Strategies and Techniques for Using Credit Derivatives in Risk Management, New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.
Picone, D., Collateralised Debt Obligation, City University Business School, London & Royal Bank of Scotland.
Rowe, D. M. 1999, Market Risk and Credit Risk: The Twin Dilemmas of Capital Markets Activities, The Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management (January): 70-72.
Smithson, C. and G. Hayt 2000, How the Market Values Credit Derivatives, The Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management (March): 62-64.
Smithson, C. and G. Hayt 2000, Credit Derivatives: Implications for Bank Portfolio Management, The Journal of Lending & Credit Risk Management (April): 42-44.
Whetten, M. and W. Jin, 2005, Constant Maturity CDS (CMCDS) – A Guide, Nomura Fixed Income Research, Nomura.
Global Insight World Markets Research Centre WMA, February 11, 2005, Challenging Scenarios: Could Detroit’s Automakers Survive a Perfect Storm?
Global Insight World Markets Research Centre WMA, April, 1, 2005, GM Downgraded to Junk?
Global Insight World Markets Research Centre WMA, May 16, 2005, Competition Heats Up in the US’s Booming CUV Segment.
Standard & Poor’s, May 5, 2005,General Motors Corp. Credit Rating Report.
Standard & Poor’s, May 5, 2005, Ford Motor Co. Credit Rating Report.
Morgan Stanley, March 21, 2005, GM & Ford: It Is Going to Get Worse Before It Gets Better, Fixed Income Research.
Morgan Stanley, Aprial 11, 2005, Ford: Not Enough Ponies To Meet Original Earnings Guidance, Fixed Income Research.
Morgan Stanley, April 25, 2005, Auto Manufacturers: Auto Bond Rollercoaster, Investment Grade Credit.
Morgan Stanley, April 29, 2005, Credit Derivatives Insight: Tranches – Navigating the Auto Storm, US Credit.
Morgan Stanley, Jacoby, B., May 04, 2005, General Motors: Now Tracinda Steps In, Fixed Income Research.
Morgan Stanley, May 6, 2005, Auto Manufacturers: After The Downgrade, Investment Grade Credit.
Morgan Stanley, May 6,2005, High Yield Monthly: Not Ready to Retire, High-Yield – Corporates.
Morgan Stanley, May 16, 2005, Auto Manufacturers: Taking Stock of Recent Spread Volatility, Investment Grade Credit.
Morgan Stanley, May 24, 2005, Auto Manufacturers: The Analytic Converter, Investment Grade Credit.
Morgan Stanley, May 25, 2005, Ford Motor Co.: Big Borther Comes to the Rescue, Investment Grade Credit.
Morgan Stanley, May 26, 2005, High Yield Strategy Insights: Get Ready for That New Car Smell, High-Yield – Corporates.
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