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研究生(外文):R. Gulfia Fakhretdinova
指導教授(外文):Charles Trappey
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List of Figures
List of Tables
Chapter 1 Introduction
1.1. Research Background
1.2. Research Objectives and Issues
1.3. Thesis Structure
Chapter 2 Literature Review
2.1. Alliance Theory
2.1.1. Definition and Rationale, and Classification
2.1.2. New Alliances v.s. Traditional Joint Ventures
2.1.3. Forming and Managing Alliances Partner Identification and Evaluation Partnership Design Partnership Management
2.1.4. Suggestions for Managing Alliances
2.2. Alliances in Russia
2.2.1. Changes in the Business Environment in Soviet Union (Russia) since 1987
2.2.2. Examples of Cooperation with Russians
2.2.3. Building and Managing Business Relationships with Russians Partner Selection Partnership Management
2.3. Summary
Chapter 3 Methodology
3.1. Justification of Methodology
3.2. Sampling Procedure
3.3. Data Collection
3.4. Data Analysis
3.5. Research Limitations
3.6. Research Framework
Chapter 4 Case Descriptions
4.1. Company A Case
4.2. Albatron Case
4.3. Yuan Case
4.4. D-Link Case
4.5. Gigabyte Case
4.6. FIC Case
4.7. Cellink Case
4.8. IEI Case
4.9. Advantech Case
4.10. AOpen Case
4.11. Genius Case
4.12. Asus Case
Chapter 5 Discussions
5.1. Taiwanese Firms’ Russian Market Analysis: Prior to Entry and Post-entry
5.1. 1. Information Sources and Market Perception
5.1.2. Time and Entry Mode
5.2. Business Models
5.3. Forming and Managing Partnerships
5.3.1. Motivation
5.3.2. Selection
5.3.3. Management
Chapter 6 Conclusions
6.1. Value Chain Appropriation
6.2. Recommendations for Taiwanese Companies
6.2.1. Commitment and Strategic Thinking
6.2.2. Language as a Fundament
6.2.3. Knowledge as a Tool
6. 3. Suggestions for Further Research
Appendix 1
Appendix 2
Appendix 3
Taiwanese Companies’ Web-sites
Appendix 4
Russian Companies Web-sites
1. Aaker A. David, (2001), “Strategic Market Management”. John Wiley & Sons, Inc.

2. Ahrend, Rudiger (2000), "Foreign Direct Investment Into Russia - Pain Without Gain? A Survey of Foreign Direct Investors", Russian Economic Trends.

3. Anonymous, (2003), “Gazatollah. Gazprom seeks upstream alliance in Iran”. Nefte Compass. London.

4. Anonymous, (1992), “Handful of C.I.S. Joint Ventures On Stream Amid Legal Chaos”. Oil & Gas Journal, Tulsa, Vol. 90, Iss. 42, pp. 25-30.

5. Anonymous, (2003), “Technology in Russia: Russian Evolution”. The Engineer, London, pp. 26-31.

6. Craig Covault, (2000), “Russian Ventures Face Tech-Transfer Gauntlet: Joint U.S./Russian aerospace programs beneficial to both sides are becoming political footballs”, Aviation Week & Space Technology, New York, Vol. 152, Iss. 12, pp. 34-35.

7. Dannis, James G, and Ravitch, Joseph, (1993), “Russia”, International Financial Law Review: Supplement London, pp. 38-46.

8. Coleman, Linda Jane, Fortin, Barry John (1996), “Doing business in Russia”, Journal of Euro – Marketing, New York, Vol. 6, Iss.1, pp.25-40.

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10. OECD (2004), “Economic Survey - Russian Federation 2004: Sustaining growth”.

11. Eisenhardt, Kathleen, (1989), "Building theories from case study research", The Academy of Management Review, Vol. 14, Iss. 4, pp. 532-550.

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13. Halinen, Aino, and Tornroos, Jan-Ake, (2005), “Using case methods in the study of contemporary business networks”, Journal of Business Research, New York, Vol. 58, Iss. 9, pp. 1285-1297.

14. Harbison, John R. and Pekar, Peter Jr. (1998), “Smart Alliances: A practical guide to repeatable success”. Jossey-Bass Publishers. San-Francisco.

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16. Hitt, Michael A., Ahlstrom, David, Dacin M. Tina, Levitas, Edward, and Svobodina, Lilia, (2004), “The Institutional Effects on Strategic Alliances Partner Selection in Transition Economies: China vs. Russia”, Organization Science, Vol. 15, Iss. 2, pp. 173-185.

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18. Mike Wright, Igor Filatotchev, Trevor Buck, and Kate Bishop (2002), “Foreign partners in the former Soviet Union”. Journal of World Business, Greenwich, Vol. 37, Iss. 3, pp. 165-179.

19. Mike Wright, Robert E. Hoskisson, Igor Filatotchev, and Trevor Buck, (1998), “Revitalising privatized Russian enterprises”. The Academy of Mnagement Executive. Briarcliff Manor, vol.12, Iss. 2, p.74-85.

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23. Smith, Bruce A. (1995), “Finding the key challenges for CIS joint ventures”. Aviation Weed & Space Technology, New York, Vol .143, Iss. 7.

24. Smith, Bruce A. (1995), “Strategic partnership aid market access, employment”. Aviation Weed & Space Technology, New York, Vol .143, Iss. 7.

25. Vance D Coffman (1998), “Working with the Russians: Lessons learned”. Vital Speeches Of The Day, New York. Vol. 64, Iss. 6, pp. 186-189.

26. Yves L. Doz, Gary Hamel (1998). Alliance advantage: the art of creating value through partnering. Harvard Business Svchool press, Boston, Massachusetts.

27. ITIS (2004), “Information Hardware Industry”, 2004 Taiwan Industrial Outlook.
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