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研究生(外文):Cho, Hsiao-Ting
中文關鍵詞:Network DEA中間產出Two-Stage DEA職業棒球效率
外文關鍵詞:Network DEAintermediate productsTwo-Stage DEAprofessional baseballefficiency
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傳統DEA效率分析假設產業具單一生產過程,直到2000年,Färe and Grosskopf 提出Network DEA,闡明產業生產過程應分屬多階段性質。本研究應用其架構,假設職棒產業生產過程為兩個階段,並特別以Sexton and Lewis (2003) 增加中間產出的Two-Stage DEA 法,即第一階段的產出作為第二階段的投入,進行1992年至2004年「中華職業棒球聯盟」,共71個DMUs的實證分析。
Two-Stage DEA的第一階段是指花錢聘雇球員,而球團有效花錢聘雇球員的程度稱為「前置效率」,效率平均值為0.994;第二階段效率是指球隊正式比賽時,球員是否充分發揮技術潛能贏球,稱為「臨場效率」,效率平均值為0.969;而包含第一、二階段的整體球團運作效率則為「組織效率」,效率平均值為0.798。透過與傳統DEA的BCC模型之比較,發現Two-Stage DEA提供較豐富的組織運作過程資訊,俾管理者找出球團之無效率階段。

關鍵字:Network DEA、中間產出、Two-Stage DEA、職業棒球、效率
Traditional DEA gauges efficiencies with only one production process, while in this study we apply Network DEA initiated by Färe and Grosskopf (2000), and in particular follow the Two-Stage DEA model incorporating the intermediate products, outputs from the first stage becomes inputs to the second stage, by Sexton and Lewis (2003) to evaluate the production efficiency of 71 DMUs of the Chinese professional Baseball League (CPBL ) from 1992 to 2004.
How fair are the ball teams paying the players is called ”front office efficiency”, arithmetic mean is 0.994, in the first stage, how potentially successful are the teams playing the games is called “on-field efficiency”, arithmetic mean is 0.969, in the second stage, and how potentially successful are the teams playing the games if with perfect front office efficiency of the teams is called “organization efficiency”, arithmetic mean is 0.798. Comparing Two-Stage DEA model with BCC model of traditional DEA, we find that the former model provides more information of organizational operations for managers to understand and better the performance of the teams.
Tobit regression analysis shows that (1) the front office efficiency is significantly positively influenced by spectators, variation of the league and television live, and (2) the on-field efficiency is significantly positively influenced by extemporaneous bonus and pitcher’s age. (3) The organization efficiency is significantly positively influenced by the spectators, variation of the league and fixed bonus, but the organization efficiency is significantly negatively influenced by change of coaches.

Keyword:Network DEA, Intermediate products, Two-Stage DEA , Efficiency, Professional baseball
第一章 緒論
1.1 研究背景與動機
1.2 研究目的與方法
1.3 本文架構
第二章 台灣職棒概述與文獻回顧
2.1 台灣職棒產業概述.
2.2 台灣職棒發展歷程與經營現況
2.3 效率文獻回顧
2.3.1 國外文獻
2.3.2 國內文獻
第三章 理論模型
3.1 生產函數與效率
3.2 傳統DEA
3.3 Two-Stage DEA
3.4 Tobit迴歸分析模型
第四章 實證結果與分析
4.1 投入產出變數選取說明
4.2 傳統DEA實證分析
4.3 Two-Stage DEA 實證分析
4.3.1 模型假設說明
4.3.2 兩模型效率值分析
4.3.3 兩模型規模報酬分析
4.3.4 兩模型參考集合分析
4.3.5 Two-Stage DEA產出差額分析
4.3.6 聯盟變革前後之兩模型效率分析
4.3.7 Two-Stage DEA球隊別組織效率分析
4.4 Tobit 迴歸分析
4.4.1 兩模型組織效率Tobit迴歸分析
4.4.2 前置效率Tobit迴歸分析
4.4.3 臨場效率Tobit迴歸分析
第五章 結論
5.1 結論
5.2 研究限制與未來研究方向
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