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研究生(外文):Sun, Li-Cheng
外文關鍵詞:network topologyscale-free networkconsumption externalityhysteresis effectavalanche
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Phan (2003)等人的研究首先採用網路結構的觀點,來進行在獨占市場下的消費行為分析。本文延伸Phan等人的研究,採用多樣性的不同網路結構,特別是以「無標度網路」(scale-free)作為市場背後的網路結構,藉此來探討網路對於市場需求行為的影響。同時,為了有效地進行量化分析,我們建立了一些數學公式,以便能夠精準地比較不同網路對於需求面的影響程度,其中包含了消費者剩餘、雪崩效果和磁滯效果等。在實驗結果中,我們發現網路結構的確會影響到消費行為的表現,並且當市場規模變大時,仍存在著一些因網路不同而有的差異性。
The economic implications of network topologies are studied via a monopolist's model of market networks originally proposed by Phan, et al. (2003). By embedding the market into a larger collection of network topologies, in particular, a class of scale-free networks, we extend the early analysis built upon a class of ring networks. To facilitate the study of the impacts of network topologies upon market demand, various measures concerning social welfare (the consumer's surplus), the avalanche effect, and the hysteresis effect, are formally established. Comparisons based on these measures show that network topologies matter, and their implied differences will remain even when the network size becomes large.
1. 緒論 1
1.3採用社會網路觀點的一些實證與理……………………………… 4
1.4 研究方法與章節編排………………………………………………6
2. 文獻回顧
3. 模型與實驗設計 26
3.5.1 設計一:消費者剩餘(Consumer`s Surplus)……………..37
3.5.2 設計二:雪崩效應(Avalanche Effect)…………………...38
3.5.3 設計三:磁滯效果(Hystersis effect)…………………….39
3.5.4 設計四:網路規模(Network Size)………………………...40

4. 實驗結果 41

5. 結論與展望 46
6. 參考文獻………………………………………………………………48

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