Chinese Portion 1. 邱志聖,策略行銷分析架構與實務應用,2001,9月,107 – 132 頁。 2. 劉玉珍,財務管理理論與實務,92年5月,27-56頁 1. 葉玉梅,〝金融機構信用卡消費行為之研究〞,國立政治大學 企管研究所碩士論文,82年6月 2. 行政院金融監督管理委員會銀行局網站 http://www.boma.gov.tw/ct.asp?xItem=31468&ctNode=1291
English Portion 1. Bernstein, Leopolo A and John J. Wild, (1999) Analysis of Financial Statements, The McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc. 2. Markides, Constantinos & Paul Geroski, (Oct.,2004) Fast Second – How Smart Companies Bypass Radical Innovation to Enter And Dominate New Markets. 3. Mei Chiang, Financial Services Ratings Taiwan Ratings Corp. (Nov.2004), Taiwan Rating Corp. 4. Price, Charles & Todd Thomson, (June, 2004) Strategic Decisions Conference, Sanford C. Bernstein & Co. 5. Posner, Kenneth A., Athina L. Meehan, Melini S. Jesudason & Global Banking Team, (Feb.,2004) Diversified Financials: Global Insight (Feb., 2004), Morgan Stanley