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In the semiconductor sector, increasing number of enterprises are considering forging alliances or partnerships with each other; as resources are limited and the difficulty of independently competing against each other. Thus most believe that technology capability both represents productivity and cost competitiveness. During competition, enterprise usually enhances it’s competitiveness through co-working with its partners. This research is to discuss how the R&D team completes the technology development and the introduction of creative capability of technology through introduction and application of external knowledge and expertise.
This research and analytics reviewed four technology transfer cases in a company A, after research and analysis, we had the following conclusions: after an extended period of time, cooperation with a technology provider was one of the purposes to introduce outside technology knowledge; after technology transfer, the merge of technology and management knowledge would occur in knowledge receiver’s manufacturing system; the whole transition process should include knowledge absorbsion; a project’s success improves when the project was teamed up with multifunction members and with the participation of technology provider; stability and morale of project team members were the key successful factors for knowledge acquisition; problem solving is always through the interaction of project members through routine meeting, experiment, and prototyping; co-development could achieve better result when the receiving end each related process technology knowledge, especially when the exact copy approach is not adopted; and when the technology receiver lacks the capability for product verification, receiving end will not be able to judge the result of the development for ensuring processes.
目 錄 I
表目錄 ..IV
圖目錄 V
第一章 緒論 1
第一節 研究背景與動機 1
第二節 研究問題與目的 2
第二章 文獻回顧 4
第二節 技術知識特性與技術導入方式 4
壹、技術知識特性 4
貳、技術導入方式 6
第二節 創新與技術創新 12
壹、創新 12
貳、技術創新 13
第三節 創新團隊與創新環境 13
壹、技術移轉(導入)與技術知識載體 13
貳、創新團隊 14
參、創新環境 15
第四節 創新能力與創新績效 17
壹、創新能力 17
貳、創新績效 19
第三章 研究方法 21
第一節 研究架構 21
壹、研究架構 21
貳、研究變項 22
第二節 研究方法 22
壹、研究設計 22
貳、研究對象 23
參、資料收集 23
肆、分析方法 24
第三節 研究限制 25
第四章 半導體製造製程技術創新個案 26
第一節 個案公司介紹 26
壹、個案公司背景 26
第二節 個案介紹 33
壹、個案一:DRAM 33
貳、個案二:FLASH_M 40
參、個案三:FLASH_J 49
肆、個案四:LOGIC25 58
第五章 個案分析與研究發現 63
第一節 個案分析 63
壹、輸入和吸收外部科技知識 63
貳、執行並整合新技術程序及工具 66
參、共同解決問題 69
肆、實驗與原型試製 71
第二節 研究發現 74
壹、輸入和吸收外部科技知識 74
貳、執行並整合新技術程序及工具 79
參、共同解決問題 85
肆、實驗與原型試製 90
第六章 結論與建議 93
第一節 研究結論 93
壹、研究發現整理 93
貳、研究結論 95
第二節 研究建議 97
壹、對製程技術輸入者的意涵與建議 97
貳、對後續研究的建議 97
參考文獻 99

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