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研究生(外文):Louis Lafontant
論文名稱(外文):Agricultural Sector Planning: Engine of Success in Taiwan's Economic Development, 1950-1970. what Haiti can learn from this experience.
指導教授(外文):Chen, Shu-Heng
中文關鍵詞:economic developmentagricultural developmentTaiwan model
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The panorama of economic development witnessed of an interesting tempo for the scholars on examining their field of interest. It is identified that the agriculture growth has been the linchpin of economic development in the 1950s. This period marked the outset of rapid overall economic development for Taiwan through the policy measures drawn by the government. The present study essentially deals with policies lessons that Haiti may learn from the experience of Taiwan’s economic development over its early stages of this course, while examining the interaction between agriculture and industry affected overall development. It turns out that the nature of this interaction is the key to development, in contrast to Western style like what the industrialization was firstly perceived as the panacea for the developing economies.
This study examines that Taiwan’s experience shows the fundamental role played by agriculture and the strong synergy that occurred between farming and fledgling industry. It also shows that economic development had to depend largely on a mutual enhancement between agriculture and industry, with industry gradually drawing both labor and capital from agriculture during the period that industry was small relative to agriculture; this linkage was symbiotic and profound. In this regard, the agriculture sector was an engine of growth in Taiwan and will be crucial to the current development of Haiti, as a poor country. History has witnessed that, for the great majority of developing countries, a dynamic agriculture will be necessary for the process of economic development from its early stages.
Given that the agricultural sector is highly important in the economies of most developing countries, and that its performance has been quite disappointing in all but a few of them; the agriculture development strategies of many countries need to be reexamined and reformulated. The present study can be of some help in attaining this objective.
1.1. Background of the Study 1
1.2. Purposes of the Research 7
1.3. Organization of the Study 10
CHAPTER 2 Literature Review 11
CHAPTER 3 The Theoretical Framework 24
3.1. Theories of Endogenous Factors 24
3.2. Breakdown of the hegemony of the landlord class 26
3.3. Provision of labor force 26
3.4. Transfer of agricultural surplus 27
3.5. Domestic Market 28
CHAPTER 4 Overview of Taiwan’s Agricultural development (1950-70) 30
4.1. The role of agriculture in the context of Government policy 30
4.2. Phase of import substitution policy 33
4.3. Phase of export-oriented industrialization policy 35
CHAPTER 5 Role of Government and its policy for agricultural development 45
5.1. Joint Commission on Rural Reconstruction (JCRR) 47
5.2. Land Reform: an overview 51
5.2.1. Taiwan’s Land Reform 54
5.2.2. Implementation of the 1st Phase of Land Reform 56
5.2.3. Implementation of the 2nd Phase of Land Reform 59
5.2.4. The 3rd Phase of land reform labeled “Land-to-the-Tiller” 62
5.3. Farmers’ Associations (FAs) 67
5.4. Farm Tenancy Committees 70
CHAPTER 6 Haiti’s Land Reform 72
6.1. Does Haiti’s Agricultural sector need a policy change such as land reform? 72
6.1.1. Haiti land reform: an overview 72
6.1.2. Implementation of such a policy 75
6.1.3. Political Aspects 79
6.2. Implications for Haiti 83
6.2.1. The current state of Haiti’s Agriculture 83
6.2.2. International trade structure of agricultural products 86
6.3. Comparison between Haiti and Taiwan on these statistics indicated above 86
6.4. Feasibility: Related Issue 90
6.4.1. Impact of WTO upon Haiti’s Agriculture. 90
6.4.2. Would the experience of Taiwan’s adaptation to WTO be useful to Haiti? 94
Bibliography 106


Figure 4-1 Gross Domestic Product By Sector 40
Figure 4-2 Gross Domestic Product By Sector 40
Figure 4-3 Employment by Industries 42
Figure 4-4 Employment by Industries 42
Figure 4-5 Employment of Industries in percentage 43
Figure 5-1 Share of values added by sector into GDP 89
Figure 5-2 Growth Rate of Value added by sector 89


Table 4-1 Gross Domestic Product by Sector 39
Table 4-2. Employment by Industries (%) 41
Table 4-3. Some Indicators of Taiwan 43
Table 5-1 Data on the Haitian Economy and Trade 85
Table 5-2 Composition of GDP by Kind of activity 88
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