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論文名稱(外文):Feminine Writing and Sexuality in Doris Lessing's The Golden Notebook
指導教授(外文):Guan-rong Zheng
外文關鍵詞:feminine writingfemale sexuality
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多麗斯萊辛的«金色筆記»是一本描述女性作家安娜• 弗里曼沃爾夫經歷及心路歷程的小說,藉由女主人翁安娜的四本分別指向其一生不同面向的筆記本,訴說她從早期的非洲殖民地以及蘇維埃共產主義生活經驗到最終退出共產黨;同時也描述安娜歷經寫作「圍困」以及精神上的幾近崩潰到最後克服並完成她的著作。小說由多元、複雜而混種的體裁與敘述方式寫成;此外,作者更特別著墨於小說中女性角色的內心衝突以及自由女性身處父權宰制社會中的種種掙扎和進退兩難的困境。我的論文意欲點出萊辛藉由此小說複雜、多元的體裁與敘述方式呈現陰性書寫的反諷戲擬、多元與流動性,並以此為策略用以抵拒並替置父權社會中長久運作下的二元霸權系統;而小說的主要內容則透過角色們彼此間的關係對話,層層剝梳檢視在婚姻、母職等性別規範和社會習俗運作下,父權體制如何合理化其對女性的宰制。我以法國女性主義者所提出的陰性書寫概念作為本論文的主軸,探討小說中所呈現的陰性書寫特性以及其與小說中所討論的女性情慾間密不可分且互為因果關係;同時引用傅柯理論,檢視並探討婚姻、母職背後所隱藏而我們無法察覺的威權運作,並輔以南希•喬德羅對母職的獨特見解與分析來重新檢省並定位婚姻與母職的標準與價值。最後,透過女主人翁安娜與索爾的互相支持並給予彼此著作第一個句子的互動,萊辛更因此預先呈現了一兩性兼具的文化共容現象,而這也形成萊辛筆下燦爛輝煌的«金色筆記»。

Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook is a complicated and hybrid text which portrays the life and struggles of the protagonist, Anna Freeman wulf, from her colonial experience to withdrawing from the communism, from her writing “block” to overcoming them. The aim of my thesis is to examine the complexity and hybridity of The Golden Notebook. I will use Hélène Cixous, Luce Irigaray and Julia Kristeva’s concepts about feminine writing as my theoretical framework. Making use of their theories about the distinctive relationship between female sexuality and feminine writing, I will probe into the relationships between the characteristics of female sexuality and those of the novel’s forms, contents and characters. To this end, I will elaborate on how and why Lessing works out the complexity and the function of hybridity—it is a way to show how women recognize the world and it is a strategy that Lessing uses to resist and replace the patriarchal dual system. Lessing simultaneously explores the theme about sexuality, marriage and “motherhood” and exposes the patriarchal dominance over women through sexual regulation and the social conventions. My intention is to point out how Lessing elaborates upon the forms and structures to illustrate the so-called “feminine writing,” and its mimicry, multiplicity and fluidity in the novel. Besides, my research also employs Foucault’s discourse to dismantle and re-examine how knowledge is produced, by whom and for whom. Nancy Chodorow’s theory of mothering enables readers to have the chance to revalorize marriage and women’s motherhood. Finally, through Anna and Saul’s helping with each other and writing the first sentence with each other, Lessing envisions an “androgynous culture,” a kind of symbiosis between men and women. It becomes Lessing’s brilliant The Golden Notebook.
Feminine Writing and Sexuality in Doris Lessing’s The Golden Notebook

Table of Contents
Introduction…………………………………………………………. 1
Chapter One: Interleaved Narrative………………………………. 6
Chapter Two: Hybrid Structure……………………………………. 27
Chapter Three: Jouissance, Marriage, Motherhood……………… 55
Conclusion……………………………………………………………. 80
Works Cited…………………………………………83
Works Cited

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