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論文名稱(外文):Applications of Extension Theory to Load Forecasting and PD Pattern Recognition in Power Systems
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本文旨在應用可拓理論於電力系統的研究,主要研究項目包括電力負載量預測和局部放電(Partial Discharge, PD)之圖譜辨識兩個部份。其中在電力負載預測部分,本文採用一套以物元模型和可拓關聯函數為基礎的可拓預測法,來預測電力系統長期與短期之負載量之變化範圍,再依據各負載類型資料,利用複線性回歸法建立各類型之預測模型,進而計算預測點之長期與短期負載量。最後,在負載預測部分以台灣電力公司實際之運轉實測資料為研究對象。在局部放電之圖譜辨識部份,則是根據商用之局部放電檢測儀來量測高壓比流器的PD圖譜,利用本文提出之數值處理方法萃取其三維空間圖譜之特徵值,再利用各類型故障之特徵值建立PD 圖譜辨識之物元模型,最後以物元模型之間的關聯度來辨識待測高壓比流器的故障類型。在局部圖譜辨識部份,本文以150 筆台灣大電力研究試驗中心的PD 實測資料為研究對象。研究結果顯示,本文提出之方法無論在電力負載預測部分或是部份放電圖譜辨識部份,其皆具有計算速度快、辨識率高與預測準確等特質。
The goal of this thesis is to study the applications of extension theory to load forecasting and partial discharge (PD) pattern recognition in power systems. In the load forecasting, a novel extension clustering method based on the extension theory combined with multi-regression analysis method (MRAM) are introduced to build the load forecasting models for long-term and short-term loads forecasting. Based on the extension theory, the matter-element model can build the every load type model, and then the changed range of long-term and short-term loads at forecasting time can be forecasted according to correlation degree between the built models and the forecasting models. Second, according to the load data of every load type,using the multi-regression analysis method (MRAM) to build the load forecasting models of every load type, then the forecasting models can be used to forecast the values of long-term and short-term loads at forecasting time. To verify the proposed forecasting methods, the statistics data of the real operation in Taiwan have been tested and the methods have given rather encouraging results.
In the PD recognition, this thesis proposes a novel extension based clustering method to recognize the three dimensional (3D) PD patterns of the high voltage cast-resin current transformers (CRCT). First, three data preprocessing schemes that extract relevant features from the raw 3D-PD patterns are presented for the proposed PD recognition method. Second, the matter-element models of the PD defect types are built according to PD patterns derived from practical experimental results, then, the PD defect in a tested CRCT can be directly identified by degrees of correlation between the tested pattern and the matter-element models which have been built up.
To verify the proposed PD recognition method, 150 sets of field-test PD patterns are tested with rather successful results.
The study results verify that the proposed method is computing fast,high recognize and predicting accuracy in electricity load forecasting or the PD recognition.
中文摘要 --------------------------------- i
英文摘要 --------------------------------- ii
致謝 ------------------------------------ iii
目錄 ------------------------------------- iv
表目錄 ----------------------------------- vii
圖目錄 ----------------------------------- ix
符號說明 --------------------------------- xii
第一章 緒論-------------------------------- 1
第二章 可拓理論簡介------------------------- 9
2.1 前言---------------------------------- 9
2.2 物元的概念----------------------------- 10
2.2.1 物元的概念--------------------------- 11
2.2.2 物元的變換--------------------------- 17
2.3 可拓集合理論--------------------------- 19
2.3.1 可拓集合的概念----------------------- 19
2.3.2 關聯函數----------------------------- 21
2.4 本章結論------------------------------- 23
第三章 複線性回歸方法簡介-------------------- 24
3.1 前言---------------------------------- 24
3.2 回歸模型------------------------------- 24
3.2.1 線性回歸分析模型---------------------- 24
3.2.2 最小平方法--------------------------- 26
3.3 複線性迴歸分析模型---------------------- 28
3.4 本章結--------------------------------- 30
第四章 結合可拓理論和複線性回歸法作電力負載預測--------- 31
4.1 前言----------------------------------- 31
4.2 本文所提之預測方法----------------------- 32
4.2.1 長期負載之可拓預測方法------------------ 35
4.2.2 短期負載之可拓預測方法------------------ 37
4.3 實驗結果與討論--------------------------- 40
4.3.1 長期負載預測結果----------------------- 40
4.3.2 短期負載預測結果----------------------- 55
4.4 本章結論-------------------------------- 73
第五章 應用可拓理論於局部放電圖譜辨識----------- 74
5.1 前言------------------------------------ 74
5.2 局部放電檢測系統之架構-------------------- 75
5.3 本文所提的方法--------------------------- 76
5.3.1 可拓圖譜辨識系統之設計------------------ 81
5.4 實驗分析與討論--------------------------- 85
5.4.1 據前置處理結果------------------------- 85
5.4.2 自動化部份放電圖譜辨識系統之實現--------- 88
5.4.3 可拓圖譜辨識系統辨識結果---------------- 91
5.5 本章結論-------------------------------- 93
第六章 結論及未來發展------------------------- 94
6.1 結論------------------------------------ 94
6.2 未來發展--------------------------------- 95
參考文獻 ------------------------------------ 96
附錄A 各預測項目之複線性迴歸方程式-------------- 102
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