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研究生(外文):Han-Wen Chang
指導教授(外文):Yusin Lee
外文關鍵詞:steel cuttingorderinginteger programmingoptimizationone-dimensional cutting stock
  • 被引用被引用:20
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  原料裁切問題(Cutting Stock Problem, CSP)探討如何由已知尺寸的原料中,以最佳的方式裁切出符合需求尺寸的物件。對土木與建築工程而言,一維原料裁切問題可應用在鋼材裁切上。土木與建築工程所使用的需求鋼筋,通常都是用鋼鐵廠生產的亂尺料原料鋼筋,再交由鋼筋裁切廠進行裁切。好的裁切計畫可以減少廢料量並減少原料鋼筋之使用量。為減少非進度內使用之鋼筋存放,各種類需求鋼筋依要求供應順序裁切亦為重要課題。為此本研究探討一維鋼材原料裁切順序模式之構建。最佳化目標為滿足需求鋼筋數量與裁切順序之要求下使用最少的原料鋼筋根數產生鋼筋裁切順序計畫。


 Cutting stock problems (CSP) deal with the optimal cutting of raw materials in order to satisfy the given demands of different order lengths. To civil and construction engineering, an application of one-dimensional cutting stock problem (1D-CSP) is the cutting of structural steel bars. Usually steel demands for civil and construction enginnering are cut from stock pieces in a cutting mill. A good cutting plan can reduce scrap and thus cut back the demand for stocks. To reduce temporary steel bar storage, it is important that steel bars are cut in an appropriate sequence. In this research we present a model for the one-dimensional steel cutting sequencing problem. The optimization objective is to minimize the consumption of stock pieces subject to demands and a given cutting sequence.

 In contrast to commonly used pattern-based models, our model considers each demand piece independently. The model uses a set of binary integer variables to represent when the first and last bars of each type are cut, and uses a set of constraints to control the relative cutting order between types. The resulting model is a binary integer program that can be solved by any standard algorithm such as branch and bound.

 In this thesis we present several computational examples to verify the correctness of the model. The scale of these examples range from 4 order types to 7 order types, a total of 20 to 33 demanded bars, and 10 to 15 stock pieces. The number of variables in these examples range from 319 to 570.
摘要 I
Abstract II
目錄 III
表目錄 V
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1.1研究動機與目的 1
1.2研究範圍與方法 2
1.3論文架構 3
第二章 問題描述與定義 4
2.1鋼筋生產與施工 4
2.1.1鋼筋生產流程 4
2.1.2鋼筋施工流程 8
2.1.3鋼筋工程分工方式 10
2.2工程成本 11
2.3鋼筋裁切施作 13
2.3.1裁切時的損耗 13
2.3.2裁切作業 14
2.4鋼筋裁切順序問題 15
2.4.1問題背景描述 15
2.4.2問題定義與基本假設 17
第三章 文獻回顧 19
3.1裁切問題相關文獻 19
3.2裁切順序問題相關文獻 27
第四章 數學模式 30
4.2模式構建 33
4.3模式求解方法與決策變數特性 42
4.3.1模式之決策變數及限制式數量 42
4.3.2模式求解方法 43
第五章 模式測試與分析 45
5.1測試例1 46
5.2測試例2 49
5.3測試例3 53
5.4測試例4 58
5.5測試例5 61
5.6測試例6 64
第六章 結論與後續研究 69
6.1結論 69
6.2後續研究 70
參考文獻 71
簡 歷 74
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