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研究生(外文):Yung-Sheng Su
論文名稱(外文):Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)Network for Controlled Drug Management Prototype System
指導教授(外文):Tzone-I Wang
外文關鍵詞:Controlled DrugRFIDRadio Frequency Identification
  • 被引用被引用:37
  • 點閱點閱:843
  • 評分評分:
  • 下載下載:224
  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:12
  以醫藥產業而言,無線射頻 可被應用在兩大領域:一、追蹤資產:包括設備、資產等,以增加效能並減少人力成本。二、追蹤資料核實狀況:提高文件自動化(如產品地點、測試資料等)、隨時監控產品。
  The purpose of the medical treatment is relieving or easing patient's pain from diseases and improving quality of life, but sometimes patient will suffer from the injury in improper medical treatment. Statistics show that the rate of improper medical treatment is about 3.7%; among them improper medicine usages come to the first place in all non-surgical operation treatments, totally 19.3%, most of them medicine misusage. To reduce such medicine failure rates and promote secure medicine usages, error prevention mechanism for each stage of a medicine preparation process must be installed. These stages are: doctors give prescriptions, pharmacist prepare drugs, nurses use drugs, and patients use of medicines. Additional works includes how to trace the used medicines and the drugs stock management”.

  In the medicine industry, the RFID can be applied in the two greatest realms. First, trace the property, including equipments, property...etc., in order to increase the effectiveness of manpower. Secondly, trace the solid condition of data pit, increasing document automation (such as product location and test data etc.) and supervising and controlling products at any time.

  The purpose of this research is to come up with a solution for the stock and usage management of controlled drugs, hoping to strengthen the security of medical treatments of the current systems. The major contributions are in three aspects. First, the install of "the controlled drugs electronics prescription system" builds up a secure usage process for any controlled medicines. Secondly, "the controlled drugs supervising and early-warning system" verifies the stock of controlled drugs in real time and lowers the probability of misusage of control drugs. Thirdly, "the controlled drugs usage record" in the electronic preparing process reduces the chance of typos in prescribing and dispensing controlled drugs to the minimum.
摘要 I
Abstract II
誌謝 III
目錄 IV
圖目錄 VI
第一章 緒論 1
1-1 研究動機 1
1-2 研究背景 3
1-3 研究目的 5
第二章 文獻探討 7
2-1 電腦在醫療上的應用 7
2-1-1歷程發展 7
2-1-2醫學資訊學 9
2-1-3實際應用 10
2-2 無線射頻(RFID)的介紹 13
2-2-1發展史與基本原理 13
2-2-2讀取機(Reader)操作原理 15
2-2-3電子標籤(Tag)操作原理 15
2-2-4天線(Antenna)操作原理 17
2-2-5 無線射頻系統的操作頻率 18
2-3管制藥品的說明 19
2-3-1管制藥品管理條例總則 19
2-3-2管制藥品使用及調劑 20
2-3-3管制藥品輸入、輸出、製造及販賣 21
2-3-4管制藥品管制規定 22
2-3-5管制藥品相關罰則 22
第三章 系統架構與運作 23
3-1系統設計目標 23
3-2系統設計需求分析 25
3-2-1現行系統 25
3-2-2使用者需求 27
3-2-3軟硬體需求 28
3-3系統架構分析 29
第四章 系統實作與說明 37
4-1實作環境 37
4-2實作方法 38
4-2-1網站結構 38
4-2-2身份判斷 39
4-2-3監控程式 40
4-3系統測試 46
4-3-1電子處方箋開立端使用介面 46
4-3-2管制藥品庫存管理端使用介面 48
4-3-3管制藥品取用端介面 57
第五章 結論與未來發展 62
5-1研究結論 62
5-2 後續研究方向 63
參考文獻 64
自述 65
[1]Finkenzeller Klaus, “RFID Handbook: Fundamentals and Applications in Contactless Smart Cards and Identification, 2/e”, John Wiley & Sons,2003,p.11~25
[2]Roy Want,「未來生活的隱形僕人」,科學人,2004年2月
[4]日經BP RFID技術編輯部編,周湘琪 譯,「RFID技術與應用」,旗標,2004,第一∼二章
[5]尤進泰,健保IC卡內存醫令與醫師處方用藥安全檢核系統設計實作,國立成功大學工程科學系 碩士論文,2004,第二章
[9]陳宏字,「RFID系統入門 : 無線射頻辨識系統」,文魁資料,2004,第二章
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