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研究生(外文):Yu-Yen Huang
論文名稱(外文):Micro 3-D Coils and Their Applications on Manipulation of DNA Molecules
指導教授(外文):Huei-Huang Lee
外文關鍵詞:Ring trapperSingle DNA moleculeDNA manipulation3-D micromachind magnetic tweezersMEMSNano technology
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  本研究利用微機電系統製程(Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System, MEMS),成功設計製作3D立體微型磁箝,可以操縱奈米尺度的單一DNA分子,達到拉伸單一DNA分子之操縱,以觀察測量DNA分子之物理機械性質。

  設計製作之3D立體微型磁箝包含:微型電磁鐵、磁性捕捉器、微流管道等元件。利用田口品質設計方法使磁性合金之電鍍最佳化,降低鍍面之粗糙度,並透過生化修飾,將單一DNA分子兩端分別鍵結直徑為2.8 μm與直徑為1.0 μm的超順磁性磁珠,其中一端之磁珠已經硫醇基修飾,另一端則無。兩端分別鍵結磁珠的單一DNA分子樣品經由蠕動式幫浦輸送到微流管道,當DNA分子到達操作區上方,經由電源供應器施予磁性捕捉器直流電流,產生磁場吸引鍵結磁珠之DNA分子至金表面,已經硫醇基修飾之磁珠與金表面產生共價鍵結,關閉磁性捕捉器之電流後,未經修飾硫醇基之磁珠懸浮在工作溶液中,依序分別施加直流電流給微型電磁鐵,產生磁場吸引懸浮之磁珠,達到拉伸DNA分子之多樣性操縱。微型電磁鐵可產生20pN以上的磁力,將單一DNA分子拉伸至它整個全長以上而不會伴隨有明顯的焦耳熱。DNA分子操縱實驗中,也拉伸了鍵結有兩條DNA分子的磁珠,而DNA也呈現出高度的非線性行為。

  This study designed and fabricated 3-D micromachined magnetic tweezers using MEMS(Micro-Electro-Mechanical-System)technology capable of manipulating a single DNA molecule. The key components, include 6 micro-electromagnets, a ring trapper, a fluidic channel and a gold-patterned surface that can be integrated to form a micromachined-based DNA manipulation platform. The micro-electromagnets can exert a magnetic force over 20 pN with little heating to extend a DNA molecule over the whole contour length.

  One end of the DNA molecule was bound to a thiol-modified magnetic bead with a diameter of 1.0 μm. The other extremity of the DNA molecule was bound to an unmodified magnetic bead with a diameter of 2.8 μm. A syringe pump was used to transport the DNA sample into the micromachined DNA manipulation platform. Then, the magnetic beads tethered to the DNA molecule were attracted to the gold-patterned surface by the ring trapper. The thiol-modified magnetic bead was immobilized on the gold surface due to the Au-S covalent bonds. When the current of the ring trapper was turned off, the bead with non-specific binding was then suspended in the buffer solution. The suspended magnetic bead could be manipulated within the magnetic field generated by micro-electromagnets.

  In conclusion, this novel DNA manipulation platform was used to observe the physiological behavior of DNA and investigate its physical properties. The proposed approach will offer a new tool for the field of nano-technology, which will make substantial impacts on development a new nano-scale materials and improve our understanding of intriguing structures.
Abstract.......................... iii
圖 目 錄......................... xii

第一章 緒論........................1
1-2 研究動機及目的.....................2
1-3 文獻回顧........................3
1-3.1 DNA操縱技術.....................4
1-3.2 傳統磁箝.......................12
1-3.3 微型磁箝.......................14
1-5 論文架構論述......................18

第二章 設計原理...................... 20
2-1 微磁珠操縱原理.....................20
2-1.1 磁箝理論.......................20
2-1.2 微型磁珠之操縱原理.................. 22
2-2 3-D立體微型磁箝設計與操縱原理............. 24
2-2.1 3-D立體微型磁箝之設計原理............... 24
2-2.2 微型電磁鐵之元件設計................. 26

第三章 實驗方法與材料準備................. 29
3-1 微機電製程技術之介紹..................29
3-1.1 光罩設計與製作.................... 29
3-1.2 晶片清潔.......................30
3-1.3 金屬薄膜沈積.....................31
3-1.4 微電鍍技術......................32
3-1.5 微影製程技術.....................33
3-2 3-D立體微型磁箝之製作................. 36
3-2.1 晶片清潔.......................38
3-2.2 金屬薄膜沉積.....................38
3-2.3 第一層光罩:定義底層線圈與磁性捕捉器.........38
3-2.4 第二層光罩:塗佈電絕緣層及定義底部線圈與頂部之接孔..43
3-2.5 第三層光罩:定義磁性合金區域與及其電鍍........44
3-2.6 第四層光罩:定義連接底層線圈與頂層線圈之接孔.....50
3-2.7 第五層光罩:定義塗佈電絕緣層.............51
3-2.8 第六層光罩:定義頂層線圈...............51
3-2.9 第七層光罩:塗佈電絕緣層...............52
3-2.10 第八層光罩:定義操作區之金區域........... 52
3-3 生物材料之準備.....................52
3-4 實驗設備架設......................52

第四章 結果與討論..................... 52
4-1 3-D立體微型磁箝特性分析................52
4-1.1 磁性合金特性分析...................52
4-1.2 微型電磁鐵之測試結果.................52
4-1.3 微型電磁鐵之磁力校正.................52
4-2 3-D立體微型磁箝操縱單一DNA分子............52
4-2.1 DNA拉伸試驗.....................52
4-2.2 DNA之多樣性操縱...................52

第五章 結論與未來展望...................52
5-1 結論..........................52
5-2 未來展望........................52
參考文獻......................... 52

自 述...........................52
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