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研究生(外文):Wei-Kai Yao
論文名稱(外文):Analysis and Design of a Novel Single-Stage Hybrid-Bridge Forward Converter with High Power Factor Correction
指導教授(外文):Jong-Lick Lin
外文關鍵詞:hybrid-bridge forward convertercomponent placementsingle-stageminor-loop feedback controller
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  本論文探討元件移位法之原理,並應用此法將降-升壓式(buck-boost)與混橋型順向式(hybrid-bridge forward)電力轉換器合併,設計出嶄新單級HPFC混橋型順向式電力轉換器。本論文提出之電力轉換器具有下列優點:(1)輸入端功因良好、(2)儲能電容電壓應力小、(3)輸出穩壓。
  最後,利用古典控制理論設計PI控制器及次迴路回授(minor-loop feedback)控制器,將輸出電壓加以穩壓,而不受線電壓及負載變動的影響。實作輸出功率為100 W之AC/DC電力轉換器,由實作結果顯示,兩種控制器均不會影響電力轉換器的功因校正能力,並能夠達到輸出穩壓,降低線電壓及負載變動的影響,但次迴路回授控制器優於PI控制器。

  In this thesis, the principle of the component placement is discussed. By means of component placement, the buck-boost and hybrid-bridge forward converter are combined to create a novel single-stage high power factor correction (HPFC) hybrid-bridge forward converter. The main advantages for the proposed converter are high power factor, low voltage stress of the bulk capacitor, and the output voltage regulation.
  The novel single-stage hybrid-bridge forward converter with HPFC proposed in this thesis has inherent gift of power factor correction (PFC), when the first stage operates in DCM mode. Hence the PFC controller is not necessary. For the proposed converter operating in DCM+CCM or DCM+DCM mode, the circuit operation principle is analyzed and the effect influenced by light loads on the voltage of bulk capacitor is also discussed. It is revealed that when the proposed converter is operating in the discontinuous conduction mode, it not only has high power factor inherently, but also avoids to suffer from high voltage stress across the bulk capacitor at light loads. That is the main reason for the proposed converter operating in DCM+DCM mode.
  After deciding the operating mode of the converter, in order to investigate the dynamic behaviors, the averaging method is used to drive the DC operating point and the small-signal model. Each component of the proposed converter is designed to satisfy the operation conditions. The operating point is verified by IsSpice software simulations. Then, the experimental results, which are measured by FFT servo analyzer R9211, are used to verify the accuracy of small-signal model by the illustration of Bode plots.
  Finally, the PI controller and the minor-loop feedback controller, based on the classical control theory, are designed to achieve output voltage regulation despite of the line voltage and load variations. A AC/DC power converter with output power 100 W is implemented in this thesis.The experimental results show that both controllers can keep the inheremt ability of PFC the converter and tightly regulate the output voltage despite variations in line voltage and load resistance. However the minor-loop feedback controller is superior to the PI controller.

第一章 緒論...............................................................1-1
1.1 簡介.........................................................1-1
1.2 功率因數校正電路.............................................1-2
1.3 相關論文回顧.................................................1-3
1.4 本實驗室相關論文之回顧.......................................1-5
1.5 諧波限制規範.................................................1-7
1.6 數學模式推導方法與控制方法...................................1-9
1.7 本文架構....................................................1-10
第二章 功率因數之校正.....................................................2-1
2.1 功率因數之探討...............................................2-1
   2.1.1 線性負載.............................................2-1
   2.1.2 非線性負載...........................................2-2
2.2 功率因數校正電路之介紹.......................................2-4
2.3 主動式功因校正電路...........................................2-6
2.4 高功因電力轉換器.............................................2-9
第三章 嶄新單級HPFC混橋型順向式電力轉換器之設計原理......................3-1
3.1 混橋型順向式電力轉換器.......................................3-1
   3.1.1 混橋型順向式電力轉換器磁通重置方法之分析.............3-2
   3.1.2 混橋型順向式電力轉換器磁通重置迴路之設計.............3-3
   3.1.3 混橋型順向式電力轉換器之電路動作原理分析.............3-7
3.2 元件移位法..................................................3-16
   3.2.1 元件移位法的移位原則................................3-16
   3.2.2 元件移位法之應用....................................3-17
3.3 嶄新單級HPFC混橋型順向式電力轉換器之設計....................3-19
第四章 嶄新單級HPFC混橋型順向式電力轉換器之電路動作原理分析...........4-1
4.1 電路動作原理分析.............................................4-1
4.2 DCM+CCM模式下電路動作原理分析................................4-2
   4.2.1 DCM+CCM之數學模式建立................................4-7
   4.2.2 DCM+CCM之IsSpice軟體模擬............................4-10
   4.2.3 DCM+CCM模式下儲能電容電壓之探討.....................4-12
4.3 DCM+DCM模式下電路動作原理分析...............................4-13
   4.3.1 DCM+DCM之數學模式建立...............................4-16
   4.3.2 DCM+DCM之IsSpice軟體模擬............................4-19
   4.3.3 DCM+DCM模式下儲能電容電壓之探討.....................4-21
4.4 DCM+CCM與DCM+DCM模式下儲能電容電壓比較......................4-22
4.5 結論........................................................4-22
附錄4A 電感電流依序下降之條件...................................4A-1
附錄4B 嶄新單級HPFC混橋型順向式電力轉換器應用能量轉移法
第五章 嶄新單級HPFC混橋型順向式電力轉換器之數學模式推導...................5-1
5.1 切換週期平均化模式之推導.....................................5-1
5.2 半線電壓週期平均化模式之推導.................................5-5
5.3 脈波寬度調變器之小信號交流等效增益..........................5-11
第六章 轉換器元件規格設計與模式驗證.......................................6-1
6.1 轉換器之電感值設計...........................................6-1
6.2 轉換器之電容值設計...........................................6-6
6.3 轉換器具有高功因特性之驗證..................................6-10
6.4 IsSpice模擬驗證.............................................6-11
附錄6A 線濾波器之探討...........................................6A-1
第七章 控制器設計與實作結果...............................................7-1
7.1 轉換器數學模式之量測.........................................7-1
7.2 古典控制器之設計與製作.......................................7-2
   7.2.1 根軌跡法設計PI控制器.................................7-2
   7.2.2 負載變動對閉迴路系統之影響:PI控制器.................7-7
   7.2.3 次迴路回授控制.......................................7-8
   7.2.4 負載變動對(總)閉迴路系統之影響:次迴路回授控制器....7-15
7.3 實作結果....................................................7-16
附錄7A 次迴路回授之設計精神.....................................7A-1
第八章 實作心得...........................................................8-1
8.1 實作週邊設備.................................................8-1
8.2 電磁干擾問題.................................................8-3
8.3 實作心路歷程.................................................8-6
第九章 結論與未來展望.....................................................9-1
9.1 結論.........................................................9-1
9.2 未來展望.....................................................9-2
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