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研究生(外文):Tsung-I Yeh
論文名稱(外文):A Current-Doubler Rectifier ZVS Asymmetrical Half-Bridge DC/DC Converter with Synchronous Rectification: Analysis and Synthesis
指導教授(外文):Jong-Lick Lin
外文關鍵詞:zero-voltage-switchingcurrent-doubler rectifiersynchronous rectificationasymmetrical half bridge
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本論文係以非對稱半橋式DC/DC電力轉換器(簡稱AHB電力轉換器)為基礎,設計出倍流整流(current-doubler rectification)零電壓柔性切換AHB電力轉換器。此電路係將中央抽頭式變壓器之全波整流架構(full-wave rectification),以適合於高輸出電流應用之倍流整流(current-doubler rectifier)架構取代。此外,吾人應用同步整流技術,降低輸出整流二極體之導通損失,使得轉換器具有高電能轉換效率之性能。
倍流整流架構,係由全波整流架構演化而來,其優點不僅變壓器製作較為方便,且二次側之均方根電流低於全波整流架構。由於均方根電流之平方大小與銅損成正比,故在高輸出電流之情況下,倍流整流架構之銅損低於全波整流架構,由實作結果可知當輸出電流 時轉換效率為 。
此外,為了提升電力轉換器之效率,吾人將變壓器二次側之整流電路,引入同步整流(synchronous rectification: SR)技術,以降低因輸出整流二極體順向壓降所造成的高導通損失,使得轉換器操作於低電壓/高電流輸出時( )仍具有高電能轉換效率 。
In this thesis, based on the asymmetrical half-bridge (AHB) converter, a current-doubler rectifier ZVS AHB DC/DC converter is designed for the application of high current operation. The full-wave rectification with a central-taped transformer is replaced by the current-doubler rectification. Additionally, in order to improve the efficiency of the converter operating in heavy loads, the technique of synchronous rectification is used to reduced the conduction losses of output rectifier. The presented converter possesses the properties of high efficiency.
The current-doubler rectification is envoled from the full-wave rectification. The advantages of this topology are not only easy implementation of the transformer, but also the rms current of secondary wilding of the transformer is much less than that of full-wave rectification topology. It follows from the facts that the magnitude of rms current is proportional to the copper losses. The copper losses of the current-doubler rectification is thereby less than that of the full-wave rectification under high current operation. The efficiency of the converter operating in is 85.5% by the experiment.
Additionally, in order to improve the efficiency of the converter, the technique of synchronous rectification is applied in the output rectifier to reduce the high conduction losses due to the forward-voltage of the output diodes. The converter still has high efficiency when operating in low voltage and high current conditions.
The detailed circuit analysis for the proposed current-doubler rectifier ZVS AHB converter is also presented in this thesis. The small-signal model is then derived by the averaging method. According to the small-signal mathematical model, a phase leading and phase lag compensator and a minor-loop controller are both designed to achieve output voltage regulation. The experimental responses show that the controllers has a good regulation capacity under the variations of load and line voltage.
中文摘要 I
英文摘要 II
目錄 Ⅲ
圖表目錄 Ⅵ
第一章 緒論 1-1
1.1 研究背景與動機 1-1
1.2 直流對直流電力轉換器 1-1
1.3 切換式電力轉換器概述 1-4
1.4 實驗室相關論文回顧 1-8
1.5 論文研究方向 1-9
1.6 本文結構 1-9
第二章 柔性切換技術之發展 2-1
2.1 半共振式電力轉換器(ZCS/ZVS-QRC) 2-3
2.1.1 零電流切換半共振式轉換器(ZCS-QRC) 2-11
2.1.2 零電壓切換半共振式轉換器(ZVS-QRC) 2-13
2.2 柔性切換PWM電力轉換器(ZCS/ZVS-PWM) 2-16
2.2.1 ZCS-PWM升壓型電力轉換器 2-16
2.2.2 ZVS-PWM升壓型電力轉換器 2-17
2.3 零電流/零電壓轉移轉換器(ZCT/ZVT) 2-19
2.3.1 ZCT升壓型電力轉換器 2-19
2.3.2 ZVT升壓型電力轉換器 2-22
2.4 零電流零電壓轉移電力轉換器(ZCZVT) 2-24
2.5 升壓型柔性切換電力轉換器共振橢圓狀態軌跡比較 2-28
第三章 倍流整流零電壓柔性切換非對稱半橋式DC/DC電力轉換器設計理念 3-1
3.1 理想型SHB電力轉換器 3-2
3.2 實用型SHB電力轉換器 3-7
3.3 SHB ZVS-QRC、HB脈波相移與HB ZVS-PWM 3-10
3.3.1 SHB ZVS-QRC電力轉換器 3-11
3.3.1-1 SHB ZVS-QRC電力轉換器之動作原理分析 3-12
3.3.1-2 SHB ZVS-QRC共振狀態軌跡圖 3-29
3.3.1-3 SHB ZVS-QRC之IsSpice模擬驗證 3-30
3.3.2 HB脈波相移(Duty-Cycle Shifted PWM)電力轉換器 3-32
3.3.3 HB ZVS-PWM電力轉換器 3-34
3.4 應用ADC驅動技術之HB電力轉換器 3-40
3.5 AHB電力轉換器 3-44
3.6 具備同步整流技術之倍流整流零電壓柔性切換非對稱半橋式DC/DC電
力轉換器 3-47
3.6.1 低輸出電壓/高輸出電流:全波整流架構所面臨之問題 3-48
3.6.2 由 轉換說明倍流整流架構之演變 3-49
3.6.3 結合同步整流技術 3-54
附錄3 倍流整流AHB電力轉換器圖3.62(b)之演化過程 3A-1
第四章 倍流整流零電壓柔性切換非對稱半橋式DC/DC電力轉換器之動作原理
與模式分析 4-1
4.1 倍流整流零電壓柔性切換非對稱半橋式DC/DC電力轉換器動作分析 4-1
4.2 倍流整流零電壓柔性切換非對稱半橋式DC/DC電力轉換器共振狀態軌
跡圖 4-15
附錄4A 倍流整流AHB電力轉換器前五線性階段之電路動作 4A-1
附錄4B 倍流整流AHB電力轉換器後五線性階段之電路動作 4B-1
附錄4C 倍流整流AHB電力轉換器之數學模式分析 4C-1
第五章 驅動器設計與轉換器之實現 5-1
5.1 轉換器之元件規格設計 5-1
5.1.1 慢速子系統輸出濾波元件 與直流阻隔電容 設計 5-1
5.1.2 快速子系統共振元件( , , )之設計 5-6
5.2 轉換器之驅動電路設計 5-8
5.3 轉換器之IsSpice模擬驗證與實作結果 5-12
第六章 切換週期數學模式推導與控制器設計 6-1
6.1 利用平均化法推導轉換器之數學模式 6-1
6.2 脈波寬度調變器之小訊號交流等效增益( ) 6-7
6.3 轉換器數學模式之量測 6-10
6.4 穩壓控制器之設計與實作結果 6-10
第七章 實作心得 7-1
7.1 接地問題 7-1
7.2 實作經驗 7-2
7.3 實作心路歷程 7-6
第八章 結論與未來展望 8-1
8.1 結論 8-1
8.2 未來展望 8-2
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