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研究生(外文):Chin-Wei Yang
論文名稱(外文):Visual Servo Based Balance Control of an Inverted Pendulum System
指導教授(外文):Ming-Tzu Ho
外文關鍵詞:visual servohand-eye coordinationDSPFPGA
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  手眼協調(hand-eye coordination)能力為人類所具有的一項高等生物行為動作。而在人型機器人系統上,為達到模仿人類行為動作,手眼協調功能之建立為一重要的研究課題,其常需利用視覺伺服為基礎來完成。本論文旨在研究以視覺伺服為基礎,以倒單擺系統為一平台,結合CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semicond-uctor)影像感測器來模擬一手眼協調控制系統。

  整個系統主要分為機械結構、馬達致動器、影像處理模組、靜態隨機存取記憶體(Static Random Access Memory, SRAM)、影像感測器和平衡控制器部分。其中,影像處理模組部份主要是以Altera公司所生產的可程式邏輯閘陣列(Field Programmable Gate Array, FPGA)來完成;影像感測器則是採用國家半導體公司(National Semiconductor)所生產的CMOS影像感測器;而平衡控制器部分是以德州儀器(Texas Instruments, TI)生產的數位訊號處理器(Digital Signal Processor, DSP) TMS320F240為控制核心。

 Hand-eye coordination is a dexterity ability of the advanced creatures. To imitate the action of the human in humanoid robotics systems, the development of the hand-eye coordination ability is an important task. The visual servo techniques are always exploited for achieving this goal. The objective of this thesis is to control an inverted pendulum system with a CMOS (Complementary Metal-Oxide Semiconductor) image sensor that imitates a hand-eye coordination control system.

 The system consists of a inverted pendulum mechanism, a motor actuator, an image processing module, an SRAM, an image sensor, and a balance controller. In this system, the image processing module is implemented by an FPGA device (EP1C12Q240C8, Altera). The CMOS image sensor from National Semiconductor is used for sensing the displacement of the pendulum and the balance controller is implemented by a digital signal processor (TMS320F240, TI).

 The rotary inverted pendulum system is a fast, unstable and nonlinear system. It is composed by two rigid rods which lie in two different planes. The control objective is to balance the pendulum through the motor. To do so the digital image data of the image sensor is loaded into an SRAM. After that, the image processing algorithm is carried out by an FPGA device. Finally, the position of the pendulum obtained by the FPGA will be sent to a DSP-based LQR balance controller. This controller achieves balance control of the pendulum according to the angular displacement of the pendulum. The system is developed and proven to work well through simulation and experiment.
中文摘要                          Ⅰ
英文摘要                          Ⅱ
誌謝                          Ⅲ
目錄                          Ⅳ
表目錄                          Ⅵ
圖目錄                          Ⅶ
第一章 緒論                       1-1
1-1研究背景                       1-1
1-2 研究動機                       1-1
1-3 研究目的                       1-2
1-4 研究步驟                       1-3
1-5 文獻探討                       1-5
1-6 論文結構                       1-7
第二章 影像處理演算法                  2-1
2-1 前言                         2-1
2-2 影像邊緣檢測                     2-1
2-3 影像二值化                      2-7
2-4 移動物體偵測                    2-11
2-5 影像處理之整體流程規劃               2-15
第三章 旋轉型倒單擺系統數學模型建立及平衡控制器的設計 3-1
3-1 前言                         3-1
3-2 旋轉型倒單擺機構部份的數學模型            3-1
3-3 直流馬達數學模型之建立                3-5
3-4 馬達參數鑑別                     3-7
3-5 旋轉型倒單擺系統整體系統數學模型          3-13
3-6 平衡控制器的設計                  3-14
第四章 系統硬體平台架構                 4-1
4-1 前言                         4-1
4-2 系統架構                       4-1
4-3 硬體電路與規格                   4-3
4-3-1 RS-232通訊傳輸                   4-3
4-3-2 影像感測器                     4-8
4-3-3 外部記憶體                    4-14
4-3-4 電壓準位轉換元件                 4-16
4-3-5 D/A轉換介面                    4-17
4-3-6 直流馬達驅動電路                 4-18
第五章 系統核心晶片介紹與影像處理及控制系統實現     5-1
5-1 前言                         5-1
5-2 可程式邏輯閘陣列(FPGA)                5-1
5-3 Cyclone EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA              5-3
5-3-1 EP1C12Q240C8 FPGA其結構及特性簡述         5-4
5-4 數位訊號處理器                    5-7
5-5 TMS320F240 DSP                    5-8
5-6 FPGA內部模組規劃                  5-10
5-7 DSP平衡控制器的實現                 5-18
第六章 實驗結果分析                   6-1
6-1 前言                         6-1
6-2 實驗結果                       6-1
第七章 結論與未來展望                  7-1
7-1 結論                         7-1
7-2 未來展望                       7-1
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