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研究生(外文):Long-Chi Chen
論文名稱(外文):3D virtual clothing:simulation and visualization
指導教授(外文):Shih-Wen Hsiao
外文關鍵詞:CADApproximate implicit integrationB-splineMass-spring modelCollision detectionTexture mappingClothing designVoxel method
  • 被引用被引用:10
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  • 收藏至我的研究室書目清單書目收藏:5
  Traditionally, the clothing design is always completed with a high cost from idea sketch to sampling. Thus, a computer-aided method for clothing design is proposed in this paper to reduce the required time and cost. This method is divided into two parts. One is the 2D patterning, and the other is the 3D visual clothing. In 2D patterning, we use the B-spline curves to present various lines and curves, and to create clothing patterns based on the Mass-spring model. As for 3D visual clothing simulations, the primary problems are the sense of the reality of fabric and the efficiency for collision operation. For these reasons, we simulate the sense of reality of the fabric using an approximate implicit integration and the texture mapping technique. Besides, we improve the efficiency for collision operation using the vector and voxel model. Finally, the programs for this simulation system are written with Java languages to present the results of our study and to achieve the goal of computer-aided clothing design.
摘要 ...................................................................I
Abstract ..................................................................II
致謝 .................................................................III
目錄 ..................................................................IV
圖目錄 .................................................................VII
表目錄 ...................................................................X
第一章� 緒論...............................................................1
1.1 研究背景.............................................................1
1.1.1 研究動機.........................................................1
1.1.2 研究概況.........................................................2
1.2 研究目的.............................................................5
1.3 研究架構.............................................................6
1.4 論文架構說明.........................................................8
第二章� 相關文獻探討.......................................................9
2.1 服裝設計.............................................................9
2.2 JAVA介紹............................................................10
2.3 相關研究論文........................................................14
2.3.1 虛擬服裝模擬研究................................................14
2.3.2 碰撞理論研究....................................................16
第三章� 研究之理論........................................................18
3.1 電腦繪圖相關理論....................................................18
3.1.1 隱藏面消除......................................................19
3.1.2 光影效果........................................................20
3.2 B-spline曲線........................................................20
3.3 質點彈簧模型........................................................23
3.4 近似隱含法..........................................................26
3.5 碰撞理論............................................................29
3.5.1 體素基礎的方法..................................................30
3.5.2 向量運算........................................................35
4.1 利用B-spline曲線繪製服裝裁片.....................................39
4.2 根據『質點彈簧模型』建立服裝裁片上各質點的相互關係...............40
4.3 3D人台模型.......................................................47
4.4 3D服裝裁片與『近似隱含法』模擬布料行為...........................49
4.5 以『碰撞理論』模擬布料披至3D模型.................................51
4.6 模擬結果的繪圖呈現...............................................54
5.1 2D服裝裁片介面......................................................59
5.2 3D虛擬服裝模擬介面..................................................63
5.3 應用例子--背心......................................................68
第六章� 結論與建議........................................................74
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