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研究生(外文):Szu-Hui Liu
論文名稱(外文):A Study of the Design Chain Patterns of the Enterprise
指導教授(外文):Ding-Bang Luh
外文關鍵詞:strategy of changemarket entry/exit systemscorporate conditiondesign chain
  • 被引用被引用:15
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 Presently, the various industries of Taiwan are affected by the competition from developing countries with their advantage of low labor cost. The comparative advantage of multi-national companies in the global market place also forces local companies to actively create and market unique products to the market. Besides shortening the development cycle and improving core skills, the local companies recognize the need to reform its internal and external structure of sales channels within the constraints of its resources thus forming a series of corporate structure and multi management strategies to achieve its strategic targets. In the observation of corporations in recent years, there is the development of 2 different trends adopted. One is the model of trend normalization growth model focused on traditional low-cost, labor intensive and manufacturing directional model for its design and branding. The other is the fundamentals based model opposing trends management style. With the strengthening and competition of corporations, there is a need for further research towards skills and productivity development for future usage.

 The stationery industry is an example of a long term development design industry. Its many development models have varieties and flexibility which can be widely used for other similar design industries. This research thus targets its studies on 5 different industry models using detailed interviews as well as case studies as the basic foundations of its analysis. Focusing on product launching channels and industrial conditions for the interviews, the first hand information being sifted out through the contents analysis method is then used for subsequent stages of design blue prints and structure. Finally, from the results derived from the studies and deductions and using the structural build-on model, conditional model and design techniques to implement the systems for market entry and exit.

 Through the research, the following conclusions have been derived: (1) From the angle of industrial design, the development of design chain belonging to the complete structural model including creativity and knowledge flow is formed by achieving 3 different fronts of an encompassing planning design, quantity process and sales. From the contents of the market research done, idea formulation, appearance, structure design, test model building, surface design, patent application, full scale model building, quantity preparedness, mass production, production differentiation, pricing strategy, launching channels, marketing etc are all relating factors. (2) The condition of the design chain is attributed to OEM, ODM, OBM on its difference in business and thus creating different combinations such as the chain model. When this model is faced with the changes of corporate climate, it can use the conditions of change that arises for the design chain model to have a perpetuating system. (3) This system includes corporate OEM (ODM, OBM) launching new product channels from low level to the medium level, from medium level to the high level and from low level to the highest level (Market Entry System). And also from the product channels open through corporate OEM (ODM, OBM) to lower the level from high to medium, medium to low and highest level down to low level (Market Exit System). These systems of entry and exit are sets of consideration factors for self appraisal, growth and expansion of business.
目 錄

第一章 緒論
1-1 研究動機...........................................01
1-1-2 設計鏈之興起...........................02
1-2 研究目的.................................03
1-3 研究架構.................................04

第二章 文獻探討
2-1 企業型態與發展趨勢...........................................05
2-1-1 型態定義...............................05
2-1-2 型態發展趨勢...........................11
2-2 現有設計鏈之定義與類型...................13
2-2-1 相關鏈結探討...........................13
2-2-2 其它領域設計鏈.........................15
2-3 「工業設計」領域之設計鏈.................19
2-3-2 新產品開發.............................21
2-4 設計鏈架構

第三章 研究流程與方法
3-1 研究流程.................................31
3-2 研究方法.................................32
3-2-1 質性調查...............................32
3-2-2 質性分析...............................38

第四章 個案描述與分析
4-1 個案描述.................................39
4-1-1 S1:三燕興業股份有限..................39
4-1-2 S2:台灣彌榮工業股份有限公司..........40
4-1-3 S3:台灣吉而好股份有限公司............41
4-1-4 S4:順德工業股份有限公司..............43
4-1-5 S5:樹德企業股份有限公司..............44
4-2 個案分析.................................45
4-2-1 S1:三燕興業股份有限..................45
4-2-2 S2:台灣彌榮工業股份有限公司..........50
4-2-3 S3:台灣吉而好股份有限公司............53
4-2-4 S4:順德工業股份有限公司..............56
4-2-5 S5:樹德企業股份有限公司..............59

第五章 研究發現
5-1 設計鏈型態建構...........................63
5-1-1 OEM設計鏈型態.........................63
5-1-2 ODM設計鏈型態.........................64
5-1-3 OBM設計鏈型態.........................66
5-2-1 OEM之進退場機制.......................69
5-2-2 ODM之進退場機制.......................72
5-2-3 OBM之進退場機制.......................74

第六章 結論與建議

參考文獻 ....................................81
附錄一 訪談問卷..............................90
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