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研究生(外文):Shu-Mei Chen
論文名稱(外文):Developing a scale for measuring healthy community
指導教授(外文):Susan C. Hu
外文關鍵詞:healthy communityscalecommunity assessment
  • 被引用被引用:17
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Background: Many researches have indicated that the health of a community is associated with its supportive environment for health. Through building healthy public policies, WHO launched healthy city projects and set up healthy city indicators in 1986 to help establish a supportive environment for communities. However, city-level indicators are not easy to understand for community residents and are also irrelevant to their life and needs. Neither does these incators could facilitate building up community capacity. The purpose of the study was to develop community-level supportive environment indicators to serve as a healthy community assessment scale. We used this scale to evaluate the current status of healthy community development in Tainan, as a case example.

Methods: We first reviewed theories related to healthy community and summarized residents’ expectations and needs assessment conducted in Tainan in 2003. Fifty-four contructs related healthy community indicators were built up and 15 community leaders were invited to participate in a focus group to discuss the appropriateness of these indicators. After all indicators were reviewed by associated professions, we started to collect the data of healthy community development of 232 neighborhoods in Tainan in 2004.

Results: Only 25 healthy community indicators were selected out according to the homological principle. The result of factor analysis showed that “leisure organization and activity” and “cleaning environment”are the most significant factors in the development of healthy communities, then factors of “health promotion and community caring”, “community performance ”, and “living spaces”. In further analyzing the relation between each indicator and the status of community development, we found that when the overall achievement rate of an indicator was high, the difference of development between communities was small; however, when the achievement rate was low, the difference became larger and wider.

Conclusion: The differences of achievement rate among indicators of communities in different developmental status may be because communities have their concerns or have their own priority among indicators, or have difficulties to practice some indicators. This study suggested that when setting an issue, communities should consider these factors though increasing community participation in order to build up a more comfortable and health promoting environment in the community.
第一章 前言                1
 第一節�研究背景             1
 第二節�研究動機             2
 第三節�研究目的             3
 第四節�名詞定義             4

第二章 文獻探討              6
 第一節�支持性環境對健康的影響      6
 第二節�從社區健康到健康社區       12
 第三節�健康社區指標的發展現況      16
 第四節�健康社區量表發展之理論背景    22

第三章 研究方法              30
 第一節�量表發展             30
 第二節�台南市健康社區發展情形      37

第四章 結果                38
 第一節�量表發展             38
 第二節�台南市健康社區發展情形      49

第五章 結論與討論             58
 第一節�結論               58
 第二節�量表建構             59
 第三節�研究限制             63
 第四節�健康社區之建立          65

參考文獻                  68


表1:社區評估的歷史進程            12
表2:社區健康與健康社區的差異         16
表3:健康城市指標               19
表4:健康城市與社區指標整理          20
表5:項目與總分之相關             39
表6:極端值比較                41
表7:題目列入題本與否之目錄          43
表8:變異量解釋                46
表9:因素負荷量表               47
表10:原分類之量表之內部一致性        48
表11:經因素分析後之分量表之內部一致性    48
表12:健康社區發展情形之描述性資料      49
表13:健康社區發展情形之頻率分佈       49
表14:各社區發展指標與社區發展程度之關係   52
表15:地理位置及社區組織與社區發展程度之關係 56
表16:社區領導者與社區發展程度之關係     57
表17:刪除的29題與社區發展程度之分析     60

圖 1:種族的社經不平等透過中界因子及近端因子影響健康                     11
圖 2:社區資本模式式             23
圖 3:健康社區量表發展之理論架構       29
圖 4:健康社區指標之架構           33
圖 5:陡坡圖                 48
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