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研究生(外文):Jeun-Ren Su
論文名稱(外文):The effect of different community development on community health
指導教授(外文):Susan Hu
外文關鍵詞:community healthhealthy communityscale for measuring healthy community
  • 被引用被引用:3
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 Tainan healthy city project started from 2003. The goal of this study was to investigate the degree of healthy community through evaluating the community environment, community organization and vigor, community services by using a scale for measuring healthy community, and to investigate the effect of degree of healthy community on residential people.
 In addition to the scale for measuring healthy community, another telephone interviewing questionnaire is also developed to retrieve the response of residential people. There are 232 local officer respond to the first self-administered questionnaire, and 820 valid telephone interview questionnaire completed in 2004 to 2005.
Results shows that the higher the degree of healthy community, the more residential people reply the sufficiency of leisure facilities hold in the community, and the more completeness of no-barrier environment. On the contrary, the lower the degree of healthy community, the more residential people respond that the public transportation system is convenient.
 Further analysis is done by using factor analysis. For groups of components is recalculated. Health promotion and community health care is significantly but negatively correlated with residential health behavior. Less people in the community with better healthy promotion and health care system feel of good health condition, at the same time, more people of those communities reply that they are of bad health condition.

 This study is the first study using evidence based data to prove the relationship between healthy city promotion and the effect on the health condition of residential. Although there are only few items showing significant differences, it can provide reference to the subsequent investigator. The health behaviors, such as self-evaluated goodness of health, tendency to suicide, likeness to participate disease screening are all important information to the field of public health.
目 錄
第一章 前言                1
第一節 研究背景              1
第二節 研究目的              1

第二章 文獻探討              2
第一節 公共衛生的發展           2
第二節 健康城市與健康社區         4
第三節 健康社區的發展對社區的影響     7

第三章 研究方法              12
第一節 研究設計              12
第二節 健康社區評估            12
第三節 健康社區的發展程度對社區居民健康的影響

第四章 研究結果              18
第一節 基本資料的描述           18
第二節 健康社區的發展與社區參與的關係   18
第三節 健康社區的發展與整體社區環境評價的關係
第四節 健康社區的發展與居民的健康行為   21

第五章 討論                33
第一節 相關結果的討論           33
第二節 研究貢獻與限制           35
第三節 未來建議              36

參考文獻                  37
附件一:健康社區評估量表(25題本)      39
附件二:台南市健康城市評價問卷       43

表 目 錄
表 一:健康社區的發展程度的人口資料     23
表 二:健康社區的發展程度與居民的參與    24
表 三:健康社區的發展程度與整體社區環境的評價25
表 四:健康社區的發展程度與居民的健康行為  26
表 五:社區乾淨環境程度與「居民對社區整體環境感受」及「居民參與」之關係
表 六:社區生活空間與「居民對社區整體環境的感受」之關係                    30
表 七:社區休閒組織與活動和「居民參與」之關係31
表 八:健康促進與社區照謢與「居民健康行為」之關係
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